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Players stuck on loading


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Thanks to the recent patch most of our issues have been fixed concerning the game mechanics,

one point that doesn't seem to be helped yet is the issue where players are stuck on the loading screen.


A common factor with this issue seems to be that there is something big going on in that specific sector, being either a faction battle or a lot of pirate/Xsotan spawns. This seems to apply mostly to players with a poor to decent connection,

but my suspicion is that it has got to do something with the net-code since it also happens rarely to players with a superb connection.


The logs report nothing useful besides the error that the UDP process failed, in which it is reverted to TCP.

I've been seeing this since the start of steam authentication, while all the ports seem to be correctly configured.

It might have something to do with that as well, but I wouldn't have a clue how I would need to fix that.


I hope that if there are others with the same issue they will share their findings, so that if this indeed is an issue not on our side Koonschi will have enough information to do something about it.


Thanks for reading!

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I'm "stuck" on loading as well now, but I'm pretty sure I know why it takes forever. My inventory is enormous at the moment, since I've just left things running, and my defenders/salvagers keep picking up stupid amounts of loot.


I know that all my interactions with my inventory are incredibly slow now (I actually notice lag when the game picks something up, and it takes over 2 seconds to sell an item)


I will clean out my inventory and see if that actually helps.


If it does, that will at least add one more reason for the long loading times to our list.

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Some stack traces from the last half hour of "Loading.."



0, GDI32.dll!D3DKMTEscape+0xa

1, nvoglv64.DLL!DrvPresentBuffers+0x182da

2, nvoglv64.DLL!DrvPresentBuffers+0x1836c

3, nvoglv64.DLL!DrvPresentBuffers+0x1c933

4, nvoglv64.DLL!DrvPresentBuffers+0x1154fb

5, nvoglv64.DLL!DrvPresentBuffers+0x115342

6, nvoglv64.DLL!DrvPresentBuffers+0x115287

7, nvoglv64.DLL!DrvPresentBuffers+0x9b42

8, nvoglv64.DLL!DllMain+0x7058

9, nvoglv64.DLL!DllMain+0x71bb

10, nvoglv64.DLL!DllMain+0x6fa4

11, nvoglv64.DLL!DllMain+0x6a86

12, nvoglv64.DLL!DrvSwapLayerBuffers+0x22a

13, OPENGL32.dll!wglSwapBuffers+0x14e

14, gameoverlayrenderer64.dll!OverlayHookD3D3+0x1d587

15, GDI32.dll!SwapBuffers+0x43

16, Avorion.exe+0x5738e2

17, Avorion.exe+0x8f54

18, Avorion.exe+0x9720

19, Avorion.exe+0x340e

20, Avorion.exe!Mix_SetPanning+0x44dcc9

21, Avorion.exe+0x13f8

22, Avorion.exe+0x14eb

23, kernel32.dll!BaseThreadInitThunk+0xd

24, ntdll.dll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x21




0, Avorion.exe!Mix_SetPanning+0x298701

1, Avorion.exe+0x5582ea

2, Avorion.exe+0x565576

3, Avorion.exe+0x565c1f

4, Avorion.exe+0x566c00

5, Avorion.exe+0x567bfb

6, Avorion.exe+0x567f89

7, Avorion.exe+0x49762

8, Avorion.exe+0xa617c

9, Avorion.exe+0x9d8f9

10, Avorion.exe+0x94e5

11, Avorion.exe+0x9720

12, Avorion.exe+0x340e

13, Avorion.exe!Mix_SetPanning+0x44dcc9

14, Avorion.exe+0x13f8

15, Avorion.exe+0x14eb

16, kernel32.dll!BaseThreadInitThunk+0xd

17, ntdll.dll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x21




These 2 are the ones pretty much constantly showing up, with the occasional occurance of this one thrown in:


0, ntdll.dll!RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString+0x130

1, msvcrt.dll!free+0x1c

2, Avorion.exe!Mix_SetPanning+0x33138b

3, Avorion.exe+0x8884e

4, Avorion.exe+0x8894d

5, Avorion.exe+0x4994f

6, Avorion.exe+0xa617c

7, Avorion.exe+0x9d8f9

8, Avorion.exe+0x94e5

9, Avorion.exe+0x9720

10, Avorion.exe+0x340e

11, Avorion.exe!Mix_SetPanning+0x44dcc9

12, Avorion.exe+0x13f8

13, Avorion.exe+0x14eb

14, kernel32.dll!BaseThreadInitThunk+0xd

15, ntdll.dll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x21




Going to kill the process now and try again.


One of the critical threads that's using up cycles:


0, ntdll.dll!ZwWaitForSingleObject+0xa

1, KERNELBASE.dll!WaitForSingleObjectEx+0x9c

2, Avorion.exe!SDL_LogCritical+0x5077b

3, Avorion.exe!SDL_LogCritical+0x54075

4, Avorion.exe!SDL_LogCritical+0x31207

5, Avorion.exe!SDL_LogCritical+0x5088a

6, kernel32.dll!BaseThreadInitThunk+0xd

7, ntdll.dll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x21





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Adding to that, I'm logging on in an almost empty sector, with only one aluminium mine, and no enemies (unless they spawned in the meantime).


The client log shows events happening around me, but my actual game window never shows any game, just Loading....



2017-03-28 16-34-12| Client started: "G:\Steam\steamapps\common\Avorion\bin\Avorion.exe" "--serverpath=bin/AvorionServer.exe"

2017-03-28 16-34-12| Enabled Traces:

2017-03-28 16-34-12| Client Beta 0.11 r7851, running on Windows 7.

2017-03-28 16-34-12| CPU: GenuineIntel 8 Cores

2017-03-28 16-34-12| Init Steamworks...Installed Steam exception handler

2017-03-28 16-34-12| Init Steamworks... ok

2017-03-28 16-34-12| Init Steamworks ok

2017-03-28 16-34-12| Init SDL2... ok

2017-03-28 16-34-12| Getting display mode... ok

2017-03-28 16-34-12| Current display mode: 2560 x 1440

2017-03-28 16-34-12| Creating settings... loading... setting language... ok

2017-03-28 16-34-12| Creating client window...Creating normal window

2017-03-28 16-34-12| Detected 2 displays

2017-03-28 16-34-12| Display 0: x: 0, y: 0, w: 2560, h: 1440

2017-03-28 16-34-12| Display 1: x: 2560, y: 360, w: 1920, h: 1080

2017-03-28 16-34-12| Using display 0

2017-03-28 16-34-12| Creating window, x: 0, y: 0, w: 1768, h: 992... ok

2017-03-28 16-34-12| GetDrawableSize: 1768 992

2017-03-28 16-34-12| GetWindowSize: 1768 992

2017-03-28 16-34-12| Creating GL context... ok

2017-03-28 16-34-12| Setting window mode Windowed... ok

2017-03-28 16-34-12| Creating client window ok

2017-03-28 16-34-12| Init rendering... starting rendering... initialize...OpenGL Context Information:

2017-03-28 16-34-12| Version: 4.5

2017-03-28 16-34-12| VersionString: 4.5.0 NVIDIA 378.92

2017-03-28 16-34-12| Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation

2017-03-28 16-34-12| Renderer: GeForce GTX 1070/PCIe/SSE2

2017-03-28 16-34-12| GLSL Version: 4.50 NVIDIA

2017-03-28 16-34-12| GL_MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS: 4096

2017-03-28 16-34-12| GL_MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_VECTORS: 1024

2017-03-28 16-34-12| GL_MAX_CUBE_MAP_TEXTURE_SIZE: 32768

2017-03-28 16-34-12| GL_MAX_ELEMENTS_INDICES: 1048576

2017-03-28 16-34-12| GL_MAX_ELEMENTS_VERTICES: 1048576

2017-03-28 16-34-12| GL_MAX_RENDERBUFFER_SIZE: 32768

2017-03-28 16-34-12| GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE: 32768

2017-03-28 16-34-12| GL_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS: 16

2017-03-28 16-34-12| GL_MAX_VERTEX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS: 32

2017-03-28 16-34-12| Init GLEW... ok

2017-03-28 16-34-12| Init Debug Message Callback... ok

2017-03-28 16-34-12| Set VSync... ok

2017-03-28 16-34-12| Secure BackBuffer... ok

2017-03-28 16-34-12| Init Canvas...Create canvas of size 3536 x 1984... ok

2017-03-28 16-34-12| Init Canvas ok

2017-03-28 16-34-12| Init Refraction Texture... ok

2017-03-28 16-34-12| Init Post Processing... ok

2017-03-28 16-34-12| Init Debug Renderers... ok

2017-03-28 16-34-12| DepthTexturesSupported: yes

2017-03-28 16-34-12| IntVertexAttributesSupported: yes

2017-03-28 16-34-12| DeferredSupported: yes

2017-03-28 16-34-12| LowSpecGPUDetected: no

2017-03-28 16-34-12| Rendering initialized

2017-03-28 16-34-12| Init rendering ok

2017-03-28 16-34-12| Check problematic drivers... ok

2017-03-28 16-34-12| Init shader level... ok

2017-03-28 16-34-12| Init loading screen... ok

2017-03-28 16-34-12| Draw first loading screen... draw... ok

2017-03-28 16-34-12| Init SFX... ok

2017-03-28 16-34-12| Init Input... ok

2017-03-28 16-34-12| Init GameInput... ok

2017-03-28 16-34-12| Init Main Menu... ok

2017-03-28 16-34-13| Init Music... ok

2017-03-28 16-34-13| Apply loaded settings... ok

2017-03-28 16-34-13| Adjust settings to GPU... ok

2017-03-28 16-34-13| Client initialized

2017-03-28 16-34-13| Received stats and achievements from Steam

2017-03-28 16-34-13| STAT_PIRATES_DESTROYED: 58i

2017-03-28 16-34-13| STAT_XSOTAN_DESTROYED: 41i

2017-03-28 16-34-13| STAT_CIVIL_SHIPS_DESTROYED: 0i

2017-03-28 16-34-13| STAT_SHIPS_DESTROYED: 1i

2017-03-28 16-34-13| STAT_STATIONS_DESTROYED: 0i

2017-03-28 16-34-13| STAT_RESOURCES_MINED: 2815473i

2017-03-28 16-34-13| STAT_GOODS_TRADED: 23844i

2017-03-28 16-34-13| STAT_GOODS_SOLD: 8795i

2017-03-28 16-34-13| STAT_GOODS_BOUGHT: 15049i

2017-03-28 16-34-13| STAT_GATES_USED: 2i

2017-03-28 16-34-13| STAT_WORMHOLES_USED: 6i

2017-03-28 16-34-13| STAT_JUMPS_USED: 219i

2017-03-28 16-34-13| STAT_SECTORS_DISCOVERED: 83i

2017-03-28 16-34-13| STAT_SECTORS_TRAVELED: 3122.76f

2017-03-28 16-34-13| STAT_METERS_FLOWN: 11129369i

2017-03-28 16-34-26| Client UDP: Error receiving from, error: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host, received bytes: 0

2017-03-28 16-34-29| UDP closed

2017-03-28 16-34-29| Client UDP: Connection closed

2017-03-28 16-34-36| Connecting to, query port: 27003

2017-03-28 16-34-37| Waiting for Online polling threads

2017-03-28 16-34-37| Online polling threads finished

2017-03-28 16-34-37| Waiting for LAN polling threads

2017-03-28 16-34-37| LAN polling threads finished

2017-03-28 16-34-37| remote address: ip, init: steam

2017-03-28 16-34-37| Connecting to server at

2017-03-28 16-34-37| Client UDP: Error receiving from, error: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host, received bytes: 0

2017-03-28 16-34-37| Initiating connection with server ID 90107769141667844

2017-03-28 16-34-41| Authentication successful!

2017-03-28 16-34-44| Error reading xml file "C:\Users\Matt\AppData\Roaming\Avorion\ships\SSF Salvager I.zip": <unspecified file>(1): expected <

2017-03-28 16-34-44| Error reading xml file "C:\Users\Matt\AppData\Roaming\Avorion\ships\SSF Stormtrooper I.zip": <unspecified file>(1): expected <

2017-03-28 16-34-44| Error reading xml file "C:\Users\Matt\AppData\Roaming\Avorion\ships\Sheep Ranch I.zip": <unspecified file>(1): expected <

2017-03-28 16-34-45| Error reading xml file "C:\Users\Matt\AppData\Roaming\Avorion\ships\Xanion Trinium Ball Template.zip": <unspecified file>(1): expected <

2017-03-28 16-42-32| <Unkown> Can anybody hear us? We have been ambushed by pirates! Our position is (44:107) Help!

2017-03-28 16-42-32| <> You have received a distress signal by an unknown source.

2017-03-28 16-59-47|



(And the last log entries don't exist since that's when I killed it)

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Lots of testing on my side, and I can pretty much confirm that I was unable to load into the game at all with 4300 unique items in my inventory.


I ran this script from the console when I was trying to log in:



Which removes everything blue and below from your inventory, after which I could log in without issues again. I'm player index 1 on my server (kind of logical...) but that needs to be replaced with whatever number the player is that gets stuck.


I've also made a modification to shop.lua and included a "Sell All" button, which will sell all the items on your current page.


Because clicking 'sell' 4000 times really isn't much of an option....


Can we check this for people? Also can we poke Koonschi to check on what happens on login with huge inventories.

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Is the latest one on the beta branch?

Thought it was on the main branch too, my bad.


So far we haven't had someone stuck on loading but I only updated the server yesterday so we'll see how that goes from now.


If you mean whether the latest patch solved my issue? No it didn't.


Only thing that did was cutting inventory down from 4300 unique items to much less than that.  ;D

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Yes, i am also experiencing long delays for screen loading.


It happens in each instance, even in Creative. 

It does eventually load, and then runs fine.


The time for loading varies, between 20 seconds to 120 seconds.


The issue started with recent update - sorry i did not post technical details

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