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[Solved] Standalone Server


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Is there a standalone server instance out there? I remember we had one for the demo.

I'm looking for windows/linux instances to build my own dedicated server.


EDIT: I've finally got it working. Here's a short tutorial targeted for windows.


Are you hosting from the same computer you're playing on? Skip steps 1-3

Step 1: Go download steamCMD.


Step 2: Install steamCMD to somewhere easy to access. Most people suggest c:\SteamCMD.


Step 3: Run SteamCMD and use the following command to install Avorion:

login <username> <password> <steamguard key>

force_install_dir <path where to download avorion>

app_update <Avorion_SteamID> validate


To get the <Avorion_SteamID>, an easy way to check is right clicking on the shortcut -> properties, and looking at the number in the link.


For example, it might look like this:

login Ethentianknight Password123 ABCD1

force_install_dir C:\Avorion

app_update 445220 validate


This will install avorion. Type quit to exit steamcmd.


Step 4: Port forwarding.

You might have to do your own research on this one, but I'll give the important pointers.

You need to go to your router and forward ports 27000 (UDP/TCP) and 27003 (UDP) to the IP of the computer that is hosting the server.

This is usually done under 'administration' or 'WAN' tabs in the router. If you have a modem box and a router box, you need to go into the modem and set up a DMZ pointing at the router.


Step 5: Go to where avorion is installed (NOT where the exe is, but the root folder). Hold shift and right click to 'open command window here'.


Step 6: To start the server, type the following, but replace <serverName> with the name of your server:

bin\AvorionServer.exe --name <serverName>


Note for windows, you should get a firewall pop-up that asks if you want to allow it through the firewall. Yes. Yes you do.


This will either load an existing server or start up a new one. to fiddle with settings, you can go to your appdata/roaming/avorion/galaxies/<serverName> folder and modify server.ini



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  • 3 weeks later...

In steamcmd:


login <username> <password>

# validate Steam Guard here

force_install_dir <path where to download avorion>

app_update <Avorion_SteamID> validate


When it is downloaded and validated:




And after that you need to run server executable:


<installation path>\bin\AvorionServer.exe --name GalaxyName --admin AdminName --seed CustomSeed

# remove .exe and replace slashes if on *nix


You update it the same way. Just be sure to provide path with existing instance of Avorion installation.


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  • Boxelware Team

If you give it the same --name parameter it will load the same galaxy. Please post the errors you get, it's hard to say what's wrong when I don't have the program's output.


For subsequent starts you should only need the --name parameter. Run the server with no arguments to get the help page.


Edit: Considering commands: Yes on linux, not yet on windows.

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Looks like it can't find the scripts. Log attached.

NOTE: This only happens on my old server, it's possible that breaking changes were made in the last 3 weeks.

I created a new server and it loads fine.



Found out cmd needs to be in base directory, not in the bin directory to call it.

Current issue is that the connection is failing for some reason. Not sure how I'm supposed to configure it.

Disabled steam, getting a localhost connection issue. My friend can join via LAN, but not via internet.


Server UDP: Error receiving from, error: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host, received bytes: 0


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Current issue is that the connection is failing for some reason. Not sure how I'm supposed to configure it.

Disabled steam, getting a localhost connection issue. My friend can join via LAN, but not via internet

You will either need to open or forward certain port(s) for your server. That is 24000 by default (and in your configuration). Both for UDP and TCP traffic.


If the new server loads just fine, then there is no point showing log from obviously not properly set server.  ;)

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You'll also have to forward UDP port 27003 for polling, so it can be polled over internet, if you want people to join over internet.


Pretty obvious, but I want to confirm it. Polling port is +3 to game port?

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