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Separate the Function and Shape of Block: Potentially Easier for Devs Long-Term?



After taking a look at the API, it's clear that the function of a block(whether it's an engine, thruster, battery, computer, etc.) are not distinct from the shape of a block(whether it's a corner, slope, edge, etc.), the way the 'material' property of a block is already distinct from this.


You have to list out whether it's an edge armor, slope armor, corner armor, or cubical armor block individually, and your list is already getting quite extensive, and will only get longer the more blocks you add. By separating the 'shape' property from the 'function' property, you'll increase the polymorphism of your design. If there's a block that you wish to limit the shape on, add some sort of 'blacklist' property to the 'function' aspect, so that, for example, computer blocks cannot be edge blocks. (You could also do a whitelist sy)stem, or some combo thereof.) It will SERIOUSLY help you out later on, especially since a lot of players want things like edge engines or some-such.


If you really want to be kind to your player base, implement a conversion tool to read old versions of ships and convert them to the updated system, silently in the background. I'm actually surprised you haven't done this yet. It seems like something that will REALLY help you AND modders out in the long-term.


Of course, I'm not writing your code and there's a real possibility that you've already done this and I'm just looking at the wrong thing in the API. ALSO of course, I'm not writing your code so there could be a very good reason for why you're doing things the way you're doing them. But just in case, I reeeeaaallllllyyy want to make sure you guys see this and are at least considering it.


Poiymorphism 'nd all that.

Unless I'm thinking of modularity.


I get those mixed up all the time.


P.S.: Speaking of shapes, I'd love to see Round Things ®© implemented in the future. Having Round Things ®© has the potential to greatly improve performance because players don't have to use so many blocks to emulate Round Things ®© using lots of other blocks.

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