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Issues while repairing ship


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Sometimes broken blocks of a ship can not be repaired when using repair block (Blöcke reparieren in german, not sure how it is called in english). Also the icon in the top middle of the screen, indicating that blocks are broken, does not pop up.

When you try to add/change blocks to your ship, you can not do because the ship is broken (that is correct, but icon should pop up).


When you repair the whole ship, the broken blocks are added again and everything is working fine.


But sometimes it seem to happen, that repairing the whole ship does remove some blocks that are not broken and adds it again (or whatever it does, there is something wrong). Watched this 2 times happen:


[*]Repairing my ship once removed all guns from a block, that was not broken. The guns worked fine until i clicked repair. Repairing removed all guns and added them to my inventory. Weapons mounted on other blocks were not affected.

[*]I am using the mod Complex3s. When I repaired a whole complex, lot of the factories in the complex were removed. This only happens, when the factories main-blocks get removed (if there is no bug in the mod, and it worked fine up to now).


Of course, Im not asking for support for a mod here, but both issues look similar to me, and in this case it would be an Avorion bug.

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