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Please do something with these endless faction wars


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Because they are literally breaking the entire multiplayer, everywhere i go theres hundred of these unkillable fighters causing the server lagging with 90k+ ping grinding everything to a hault, and the faction ships are literally killing themselves over these fighters because none of their shots can hit them.

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I've tried to get rid of my own fighters once. It wasn't working out so well for me. I sent my entire force of fighters after one other fighter and sat there for five minutes watching an endless stream of bullets failing to hit it and instead causing collateral damage to all surrounding vessels (including mine). I had to take the carrier to an abandoned Sector, remove all blocks but the root block and turn that one to glass, then shoot the glass block with my Mining Drone before I could get rid of them.


In about 60 hours of playing with fighter squadrons, I've only ever lost a grand total of three. Three. I lost my capital ship in an unfortunate Xsotan wailing accident, and have had trouble recuperating, so unfortunately I haven't been experimenting more with them as of late, but this whole situation tells me that fighters could use a little nerfing.


At least making them more vulnerable would be OK in my book. Losing fighters sucks, but they're, as you put it, nigh invincible, which is a bit much.

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I've had a similar issue with collateral damage caused by both fighters and autofiring chaingun/pulse turrets when trying to engage hostile fighters. I suspect that the only answer is to somehow provide the ability to specify rules of engagement, perhaps at some combination of  turret, fighter squad, ship and fleet level. These should apply to all fighters, auto-firing weapons on manually operated ships, and all weapons on secondary craft being controlled by their own Captains, at the appropriate level.


The rules of engagement could perhaps be selected from a list like this:

1) Engage hostiles, ignoring potential collateral damage. The current behaviour. Perhaps the new default.

2) Engage hostiles with a weapon if the weapon's boresight vector does not extend to non-hostile entities. Hold fire for a nominal interval then resume boresight checks.  Some stray rounds fired whilst turrets are in motion might still be expected to cause collateral damage.  Unlucky. War is hell.


Perhaps option2)  would be better if more computational effort was expended to avoid any collateral damage, but a simple check of the weapon's current bore-site vector before firing  should prevent major reputation loss and facepalming.





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I've tried to get rid of my own fighters once. It wasn't working out so well for me. I sent my entire force of fighters after one other fighter and sat there for five minutes watching an endless stream of bullets failing to hit it and instead causing collateral damage to all surrounding vessels (including mine). I had to take the carrier to an abandoned Sector, remove all blocks but the root block and turn that one to glass, then shoot the glass block with my Mining Drone before I could get rid of them.


In about 60 hours of playing with fighter squadrons, I've only ever lost a grand total of three. Three. I lost my capital ship in an unfortunate Xsotan wailing accident, and have had trouble recuperating, so unfortunately I haven't been experimenting more with them as of late, but this whole situation tells me that fighters could use a little nerfing.


At least making them more vulnerable would be OK in my book. Losing fighters sucks, but they're, as you put it, nigh invincible, which is a bit much.


Reduce their cost, Nerf their dodge and make them DIE IF THE CARRIER DIES JESUS PLEASE. Having hundreds and hundreds of lefting over invincible fighters while new carrier spawns is not just atrociously to look at and destructive to sectors, it is game ending!! Servers eventually will get bloated and overwhelmed no matter what, make them go away after Carrier dies is a perfectly sensible solution employed by MANY RTS games. This has to be done or you will eventually crash no matter singleplayer/multiplayer due to bloating!!!

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I like the ability to recollect lost fighters. How about a compromise?


Like a fighter has a limited oxygen supply, or some other fluff reason for it, but basically the collection mechanic is on a timer. If you don't get to them in time, they burn up. Cleans up servers like you say without instantly killing everything off you've worked so hard to build up (you may or may not have encountered many minutes' worth of build times when they get to higher tech levels - replacing all that is... cumbersome).

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I like the ability to recollect lost fighters. How about a compromise?


Like a fighter has a limited oxygen supply, or some other fluff reason for it, but basically the collection mechanic is on a timer. If you don't get to them in time, they burn up. Cleans up servers like you say without instantly killing everything off you've worked so hard to build up (you may or may not have encountered many minutes' worth of build times when they get to higher tech levels - replacing all that is... cumbersome).


Although i like this, for simplicity sake since we still have a billion other contents to import i would absolutely not mind that if fighters that got abandoned without a carrier are instantly deleted from the game, better than server bloat and eventual painful implosion.

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Perhaps deactivate the ai on the fighters after their carrier dies and start a timer for them to despawn.

Unless its a player owned carrier.




When watching a fight between ai I saw plenty of them get killed.

It took a while but they did die.


Although to be fair their dissipation did take a full hour.

Perhaps ramp up the speed they die off with?


Or simply start slowly damaging them over time once their carrier is destroyed.

(Much like if you don't have enough mechanics.)


That's all I can say about it. :3 Personally haven't encountered situations where I was fighting them.

And furthermore, I don't think I would want to until the "anti-fighter turrets" update arrives.

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I like the idea of slowly damaging them not unlike how a lack of mechanics works on your own ship. And yes, if we turn off their AI until they're recollected, I can't see how a small amount of 120 dormant fighters floating around after a capital mothership has been destroyed can introduce more bloat than the hundreds of bits of Resource and Credits floating around after you blow up five small to medium-sized regular ships. They're effectively the same thing at that point: a collectible not doing anything until you interact with them.

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  • 5 months later...

has this maybe been fixed over the last few months? I tried this with a group of 10 interceptors (max speed/maneuver and anti fighter guns) and they kill enemy fighters in no time at all if I put them on defense and blap fighters if I focus attack 

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The fighter issue has been fixed, with PDC, Anti-Fighter flak guns and corresponding fighters, but I didn't get into more faction wars (ok I got into one but it's in my "shipyard" creative galaxy so the war isn't a plot point), and even if I did it would need some effort to wipe another faction again to see when the war would end: last time I spent two to three weeks exploding stations.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Nah as far as my elven eyes have seen nothing has changed in the Faction code concerning this over the past months. In fact, nothing much has changed there in general. The updates have been targeting primarily the combat experience in Avorion lately.

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Pirates get pretty good anti-fighter ships, but I rarely see them spawn in faction fleets. Maybe the fix is heavier faction PDC.


Either that, or make fighters easier to hit and maybe reduce their resource costs and build times accordingly.

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Pirates get pretty good anti-fighter ships, but I rarely see them spawn in faction fleets. Maybe the fix is heavier faction PDC.


Either that, or make fighters easier to hit and maybe reduce their resource costs and build times accordingly.


AI Carriers usually have point defense to help them mop up enemy fighters.

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