Boxelware Team koonschi Posted February 21, 2018 Boxelware Team Posted February 21, 2018 Patch 0.16.1 Date: February 21st, 2018 Beta Branch Note: These changes are currently available on the beta branch. The beta branch is for testing experimental changes and for finding and fixing errors. This is how you get access to the beta branch (USE AT YOUR OWN RISK): Right-Click on Avorion in your Steam list, Properties -> Betas -> Select branch 'beta'. Gameplay "We realized that you might also want to manage your alliance ships and stations, so now you can switch sectors to those as well. Being shot down and sent all the way back while playing coop was also a real bummer, especially when your group members survived, so we added a way to continue playing together even if one of you gets destroyed." Players can now switch sectors to alliance ships Players can now switch sectors to sectors with their *online* group members Balancing "Persecutors are really harsh for new players and were designed with experienced players in mind, from whom the feedback has been very good so far. However, they can be very punishing without any announcement, so we tuned them down a little for the 'Easy' and 'Normal' difficulties. They behave the exact same way as they did before for 'Veteran'+ difficulties." AI torpedoes are slower on lower difficulties Reduced one-shot potential of AI torpedoes against player & alliance ships on "Normal" & lower difficulties Persecutors spawn less often on "Easy" and "Normal" difficulty Persecutors spawn more further inwards to the core on "Easy" and "Normal" difficulty Persecutors don't follow players on "Easy" difficulty Adjusted balancing of loot-range boostersLower energy, better scaling with rarity, lower price per range [*]Changed name of loot-range boosters to something a little more immersive Scripting API GameSettings class is now available on both client and server Difficulty enum is now available on both client and server Misc "We've been getting reports about crashes, so in order to ease future bughunts we've added a lot more thread-related debug output." Added more debug logging outputThreads print out what they were last doing on crash and where (sector) Threads print out when they're started and stopped [*]Chat window now prints messages to the console Bugfixes "User bug reports are, as always, marked with [uBR]. Thank you everybody who helped and reported, keep it up!" [uBR] Fixed a rare crash when an object was moving and changing its bounding sphere (we've been looking for this one for a while, thanks to the Rusty Server Crew for helping us!) [uBR] Fixed non-existing ship styles at alliance shipyardsNote: This only affects new alliances [*][uBR] Fixed an issue where damage of enemies could become infinity [*]Torpedoes no longer have shield penetration when they detonate due to a miss
Ravien Posted February 21, 2018 Posted February 21, 2018 Players can now switch sectors to alliance ships Players can now switch sectors to sectors with their *online* group members Awesome changes!
A.Wolfrick Posted February 21, 2018 Posted February 21, 2018 Quick question, the patch notes state. "Adjusted balancing of loot-range boosters Lower energy, better scaling with rarity, lower price per range Changed name of loot-range boosters to something a little more immersive." However, I'd like to inquire what that means more thoroughly. Can anyone explain a little further?
Alanthier Posted February 22, 2018 Posted February 22, 2018 Adjusted balancing of loot-range boosters Lower energy, better scaling with rarity, lower price per range Changed name of loot-range boosters to something a little more immersive OR you can remove it entirely, and make it a type of BLOCK instead! that would make MORE sense.
Sir Charles Posted February 25, 2018 Posted February 25, 2018 Adjusted balancing of loot-range boosters Lower energy, better scaling with rarity, lower price per range Changed name of loot-range boosters to something a little more immersive OR you can remove it entirely, and make it a type of BLOCK instead! that would make MORE sense. Definitely NOT. Blocks do always mean bigger is better, making huge ships even more OP. No thanks. Just take 6 less 500k omicron turrets and use an upgrade...
Ulrich_Rüstungjäger Posted February 25, 2018 Posted February 25, 2018 Adjusted balancing of loot-range boosters Lower energy, better scaling with rarity, lower price per range Changed name of loot-range boosters to something a little more immersive OR you can remove it entirely, and make it a type of BLOCK instead! that would make MORE sense. Definitely NOT. Blocks do always mean bigger is better, making huge ships even more OP. No thanks. Just take 6 less 500k omicron turrets and use an upgrade... To be fair, the only ships that should really need to use the range upgrades are 15 slot PLANET CLASS ships that cant navigate roid fields without taking massive damage from constantly hitting rocks or wreaks. And if your in one of them, let's be honest here, you can sacrifice one small slot.
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