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Freedom for Illegal Slaves



I'm quite flabbergasted as nobody ever suggested anything about doing anything with the "Illegal Slave" good (except the BN "dark side of avorion" which turns'em into sellable mercenaries :().

Those poor people have to be freed, but not traded (I'd consider any stations selling slaves to be slavers) :-[. So we'd need a neat way of getting them out of the market and of slavery.


My current ideas:

  • A "slaver" trait, which allows them to buy or sell slaves at trading posts. Factions without the trait may not buy and at least won't ever sell slaves, and may have slave-freeing stations instead.
  • A simple station that frees slaves, but needs payment to get the means of their liberation. Alternatively, one which wouldn't need payment as they're financed by the faction (may be influenced by the empathic trait ?).
  • A station similar to an Habitat/Biotope, that also consumes slaves. A rehab housing center ! May have higher hireable crew count than normal ?
  • A recruitment center that converts slaves into any kind of crewmen for the minimal crew price. Three (to balance?) slaves are required for one crewman as the two others go working elsewhere.

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I did suggest to simply remove them. Apart from the fact, that there's no "legal" slaves hence its just as redundant to call them illegal, just like the illegal drugs, slaves are illogical commodity for the space-faring factions, that can deal much better with regular robotic servitors. At the very limit of the common sense, one can imagine taking slaves from particular hostile factions for the sake of humiliation, and yet it still doesn't make sense to buy them from somebody. All things considered, slaves should be removed together with several dozens of redundant and silly commodities.


Most illegal goods should sell cheap at some factions where they are legal (and free to transport) and bought high at factions where they're not at specific stations depending on the commodity in question, and few should be illegal everywhere but on the Smugglers Stations and pirate Shipyards. However, most of all they should make sense in the given environment, and there are plenty of options to choose from:  hacking devices, stimulants, forged IDs, security overrides, exotic species, refugees, stealth suits, etc. You also do not need to call Drug as such - call it something like Spices, Sand, Powder, Bliss etc. I think majority of people can figure out that its a drug on their own or read description as last resort.


Other than that, Smuggler's Stations should not only buy stolen goods, but also sell [counterfeit] goods, which work just like regular commodities, but sold much cheaper while being controlled for. Isn't that what's smuggling were supposed to be in the first place?

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