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Move most of the ingame UI to the Lua



If you'll move inventory, systems, alliance windows from C++ to the Lua it will help to improve the game, because modders will be able to customize the main UI.

From what I see, all these windows use the same UI elements that are accessible in the Lua API.



1. I'd like to add one more Alliance-storage into Alliance window and make it a Recruit-storage.

So basically in the vanilla storage we'll have high-value items and in the new storage we'll have a basic set of things that will help Recruits while they gain out Alliance trust. It's a more-less common practice that I saw in few games and I like it: clan-storage and clan-safe.

Of course, I can make a mod right now, but this new Alliance-storage will be separated from the Alliance window and this will look stupid.


2. Several modders (myself included) always wanted to customize inventory window, to make it more user-friendly: Highlighting suspicious/illegal goods, moving multiple items between Alliance-storage and player-storage at once e.t.c


3. Modify system upgrades UI to add quickly interchangeable presets. This was already done as a mod, but it's better to keep related things in one place instead of clogging right upper corner of the screen with icons.

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