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Cargo Hold and wreckage material


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I have two issues/suggestions for the recent changes on beta.


First if we are going to be forced to build cargo holds to carry the scrap ore/metal if we want to mine/salvage at the better efficiency then something needs to be reworked.  People will need to have massive cargo holds as it is now for large scale mining or salvaging the larger wrecks.  I think either the scraps need to go the same route of the material itself, i.e. it does take up any cargo space.  Or how much cargo space is given per volume needs to be greatly increased.


Second I do not like that I can no longer see how much and the type of material there is in wrecks unless I have the mining system upgrade installed.  This is horrible for people that use salvaging over mining.  Now if I want to see the information that pertains to salvaging I have to use one of my valuable slots for an upgrade (mining system) that is for meant something I am not even doing.  I do not see why salvagers should be punished for a mining issue.  I think it should go back to how it was or if you really need to tie it to an upgrade then the scanner upgrade would be more appropriate.  Because as a salvager I do use that one so I do not have to be right on top of a wreck to see what it has and decide whether or not to move to and salvage it or not.

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An addition to my first point.  A couple times someone on my server has done what he calls inventory maintenance, not sure why, but he ends up dumping all his cargo into space.  Each time that consisted of a couple hundred thousand ore and every time he did this it caused massive lag spikes across the server.  He says he has learned his lesson so hopefully it will not happen again.  But all that additional cargo for people mining, salvaging, or peoples automining fleets is just going to be adding even more strain onto servers.  Another point I hope to going the route of it not taking up cargo space at all.


A sidenote about the change.  I see the logic about changing to a raw/refined types and have no issues with that.  I even kind of like it if it means I can get higher percentages.  But it definitely needs some refinement imo.


Thanks for a great game by the way!

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