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Free mine inputs, overlaying ship avatar, boarded ship wrong faction, etc.


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-Mines get free suff: currently mines get their inputs for free (i.e mining robots, fusion generators, etc.) the ability to build a mine with a huge cargo transfer cargo and sell it at pure profit is economy breaking something along the lines of over 5000% roi within a few minutes.

-Ships refusing to sell to 2 stations: In the event you set up a ship to sell in a sector where you have 2 stations that both can consume that good the ship will only try and sell to 1 station if by chance the station cargo is full for that item but producing it will sell what it can and then look for the closest station it can sell what is left which would be station 1 again because it will have consumed 5 of the good. This ties in to the sell until station doesnt want to buy more than quantity of good suggestion.

-Selecting ships in map mode: When selecting a big ship in map mode, especially stations, the white outline around the avatar of the ship can not be seen because the avatar is superimposed. I think instead having the avatar of the ship in the background would be better.

-Disappearing modules: I'm sure this has been mentioned a bit. I first heard of this bug when watching lathland play the game over 2 years ago leading him to a small rant about the bug and how he rebuilt his ship twice speculating on the origin of the bug. When using modules at times mainly when you have a big ship or many ships in your fleet the modules "disappear" however it can be seen that actually what is happening is the avatar of the ship is taking precedence on the system modules and the modules are actually behind the ship.

-Boarding ships allegiance: with the new boarding a ship that ship will still be considered to be part of their initial faction when trying to trade with your stations that don't have "sell/buy to other factions" enabled you will get the notification that stations will not buy/sell to others.

-Rebuilding boarded ships turret magic: After having boarded a ship if you change its design with a saved design without having removed its turrets and the ship gets destroyed and you try to rebuild it at a repair dock it will spawn back in with its initial turrets placements that can be seen by highlighting turrets where they will just be floating.

-Bottan Artifact: if you set a hyperspace jump for ships and then install the bottan xsotan artifact the cooldown will not be reduced and the system will only kick in after the cooldown is down to the new cooldown due to the systems installed. ie. if the initial one is 100 seconds and the new one is 10 it will count down from 100 to 10 and then the hyperspace bar will kick on to show how long is left with a purple bar

-Reconstructed ships: if a ship is destroyed with command loops in a sector with a repair shipyard and reconstructed it will keep it will continue as if nothing happened however the commands will not be visible in the map mode. While accessing the fleet tab with "i" you can see that the ship is continuing its previous orders.

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