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Peformance, singleplayer



Ive been playing the game and its vefmery good it filles a lot what gamers whant from a space game the only problem is the peformance and the low fps.


Problem: Bad Peformance in SinglePlayer mode.


Cause: SinglPlayer mode needs Servers to run the galaxy, also In the middle of gameplay when going to a undescovered sector the game has to generate . Too many sectors kept in memory. To many small files


Solution: Simple, Eliminate need for singleplayer servers and Make all sectors generate before starting a new galaxy but only mark and give information of the sector in map when the player entered atleast once in that sector,  keep sectors alive only if players have a station or a ship in that sector and make game files and codes more compact for faster reading.




-Server Elimination: The server is another exe in witch makes the computer divide the resources between it and the game on singleplayer, while keeping scripts and threads running of the two ( double calculations putting more strain to cpu also more heating), the server tend to consume more resources then the exe causing the server to run more faster then the game creating bad sycing, the server and the game cant use on any cpu that the other is running ( i tested this when the game runs on 2 cores but the server only uses  one of those 2 cores the game goes lagless but npcs start rubberband, imunity, etc..., while they use both 2 of the same core the two start laging intensly when seerver use 2 cores and game 1 of those 2 the player starts lagging intenly while npcs run fine) meaning the the player need a pc with 4 cores and not 2 as stated to be playable,  half of those cores to the game exe and the other half to the server so one wont pull resources from the other making constant changes to resources avalible to eachother and since each needs 2 cores to run well ( Both inis contain configuration that need 2 thread 2 work and each core has a thread), also tested that when you do put the exes in seperate cores the game marks less that the server is using more then 60% of its resources or more ( witch is usally a problem to all players and this is the solution use pc with 4 cores and use 2 for the game and 2 for the server.


Less sectors alive-  the base sector that are kept in memory are 500 by default this is unchangeable ( edit to 10 or 100, play game, exit and in server ini its back to 500), more sectors kept in memory when uneccesary needed like sector withount anything in it or sectors withount npcs or stations, mostly npcs sectors dont need to be kept in memory becuse once you leave the sector it dosent affect you on what happens in that sector at all while just wasting resources on somthing uneeded unlike player station or sectors.


Pre sector generating: lots of players reported that calculating jumps takes too long, thats especially true when u jump to a undiscovered sector or sectors with lots of things in it.  So instead of making the generator start in the middle of gameplay witch really does decrese peformance while. Generating the sector having all the place pre generated evitizes the need for threads ro be dedicated to generation making more resource available to the game. Similar like minecraft or skyrm that generates all the terrain before entering the world then it just need to load that data witch really evitizes lots of peformance isues.


More compact things: when pc transfer or read files it does it more rapidly when there are less files in one place even thou that file ocupies more space. Downloading lots of small files takes longer then one big file witch then you decompress. Meaning that if the game does like skyrm or the ES series that has sound and textures also vfx in esp and bsa the game might be able to read the files more faster and eficiently then having to go to a folder with more then 1k+ of files and look for the one it needs while waiting the thing to load. I also think this method should be used for the .luas as man there so many of them. There many times in coders life were they wrote 2 or mores codes/ threads when one codes was enough for the needed action.

!! Just incase!!( im not saying the the codes are bad in this game: im just saying a triple check for codes and threads to be simple as posible and do what needs to be done is worth the effort , i hear its a common mistake that programmars do make complicated coding and long threads when not necesary at all of course this inpact peformance and somtime it does a lot.

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