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Another weapons rework idea (Yayyyyy ;) )

Sir Charles


I will make it short


(Imagine introduction about weaknesses of current weapon and slot system here, we all know it’s not as cool as it could be)


Imagine instead of turrets in weapon slots there were „weapon systems“. That means that you would equip a weapon system (for example „Railgun module“) in one of your weapon slots. This set would have the same use as a turret including the stats.


In build mode you would select the weaponry system and would then be allowed to place as many turrets of one design as you want on your ship. These turrets would split the DPS of the weapon system between them.


This means you could install a „PDC module“ in one of your weapon slots and would then go to build mode where you could select the „PDC module“ and place as many PDC turrets around the ship as you like. To make it even more concrete. If you were to place one turret at the front, one at the back and one at each side of the ship (left, right, up, down) and that „PDC module“ would offer a DPS value of 60, each of the towers you have would have 10 DPS and be enabled to shoot individually.


Weapon systems could still take up multiple slots with system like this, but there wouldn’t be hard restrictions for ship design and functionalities as there are at the moment.


Thanks for reading/considering/answering ;)

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I'm not sure what system I'd fully support.  I just know I don't like the hard limits on turrets.


The more I think about it, I think I liked someone else's suggestion where instead of turret slots, each turret added to the ship would have a negative impact on processing power.  It's either that or have all turrets require (variable amounts of) power, or both.


Though your idea would also allow for uniform turrets in the same breath.


EDIT: Ok, so this was the actual suggestion I was thinking of.  Close to what I was saying (with some additions). :P


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I read pretty much everything on suggestions, if i don't reply it's usually because I have nothing to say...


What i want is changein the weapon system. This needs to be done at two different levels: the general system as well as the weapon mechanics themselves. My ideas about those can be found scattered all around the forums, the most precise problably here, in "Do you think turret factories need a change" and in "More balancing weapons" as well as in this thread.


I like my idea more because it is easier, i think a game needs to be easy to understand but complex in the possibilities resolving from that.


In the end, every single update has brought the game forward and i am happy with the devs work, they will figure something out at some point in the future to solve this as well as the other issues.

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The hardest thing is how everything interacts with each and it's feasibility based on strategic goals and assumptions.


It's hard to have many different systems be the best because inevitably the best will be discovered and used over everything else, so you have to find a way for everything to have a benefit and a drawback. A purpose.


The game certainly does move forward with every update.  99% it's always for the better to me.  Could be more or less for others as it depends on ones preferences of course.


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Each update doesn't always make things better. In v.0.25.2 when they changed the following...

"Defense Weapons are now randomized

Loot Collector Upgrades are now randomized

Transporter Software Upgrades are now randomized"


That made things way worse. DX Getting many of the same turrets to equip all your ships with was hard enough, but there is no way to make system upgrades. So making all of them random just makes it impossible to have all your ships of the same design have the same stats. The thing I HATE THE MOST about this game is how you are forced to have all your ships be completely different. I like the wide variety of turrets in this game, but I hate how ridiculously hard it is to get multiples of the same turrets and system upgrades for your ships. It's just a massive grind to get all the components needed to build turrets and it's really super unrealistic for everything to be so random, because if you were going to go to war and you ordered many of the same type of units, doesn't matter what it is. You wouldn't be happy with them all being completely random. You would ask why this ship is much slower than this other one, or why the range and fire rate on this turret is not as good as the rest of the turrets, or why this one ship has better shields than all the rest. Why not put the same shields on all the ships? You paid the same price for all of them. They were all made in the same factory. Shouldn't they all have the same capabilities? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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I agree with you Vis, weapons are built to purpose under strategic assumptions with strategic and tactical mission in mind. You wouldn't be cobbling together every part you could too assemble the next batch of randomized weapons with the sole purpose of doing at least some damage. But some of this also depends on story/lore.


If the randomization happened per faction space,  or per 10x10 sector grid etc it would keep things a little neater. You could then make rarity have a bigger affect on gun rof, range and dmg, then control npc spawn power not only via ship size, and weapon type/purpose, but also by it's rarity. This would still give you some nice randomization but allow players to farm for uniform weapons in specific groups of sectors.  No two galaxies would be alike still since all initial rolls for each 10x10 grid or whatever size would occur when a player first enters.


Maybe lock factories to variances within these rolls. So a factory is not selling a 8k dps weapon in faction space where theirs ships are struggling to hit 1k dps with multiple guns.


You would still see some variances of course, accounting for size, ship rarity and weapon type, but the ability to farm ships with a larger risk for farming rarer (more powerful) ships would be nice for players.


Just a couple rambling thoughts from myself though.

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If only we could blue print turrets and make them the way we can make fighters...

...But yeah, the only ships that should be completely randomly cobbled together ships are pirate ships. Each faction should have standardized weapons for there ships. Maybe only about 1 to 3 different types of the same weapon. Like a battle ship could have some big cannons as it's main weapons, but then a few smaller cannons as it's secondary guns. So killing the same type of ship from that faction would drop the same 2 versions of cannons.

Or if we can't get that, and we can't get turret blue prints, can we at least be able to copy any turret at any turret factory. It really sucks having to jump to a sector far away when I need more of 1 type of turret. Jumping around to buy extra components is bad enough. DX


At least I can go down the list of my fighters and see they are all the same perfectly uniformed units with the same capabilities and requirements... :)




fH2gUNu.png ???

DAMN IT!!! Really Avorion, Really!?  >:(


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