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Scanner Idea



A scanner block/gun/system. Allows to scan ships and shows a subtle glow around sensible blocks (engine, shields, energy, etc...) or see cargo content of a ship. To complicate thing you could have to choose for which system you want to scan. Strategy wise it would add a couple ways to play. And would allow selective piratery at the same time. You'd also have to be in a certain range which would scale as the game advances going to up to 30-40km. BUT if the enemy ship is equipped with a certain system it can detect and see scans and scan beam that are invisible unless you have the said system so game balance is kept that way. And the length of the scan could scale too from well maybe 30-40s down to around 10s. You don't want that last one to be too fast to keep some balance. Say one player is scanned (PvP situation) but has the Counter Scan System he then sees whats happening but if he has enough time to react he can disrupt the player scan and abort it either by the other player not pointing at him and having him in the general area of his reticle anymore (let be generous here but not too much about that area) or by dealing a percentage of damage to the other player determined by the om power of the targeted player. So I arrive I a fight with a player want to know where are his shields I have a 10s scanner now so I am able to scan a get the emplacement of his shields not without loosing a couple points myself on my own shields but now what I do is drop his shields aim at his shield blocks and if I'm able too blow his armor plates I may be able to blow a generator and lower his shield max points so I can bring them down faster and so on until I kill him. A simple example others may want to cripple the ship by blowing the engines or power cores. Pirates you could scan and select who you want to attack and even cripple the npc ships if you want but beware some can detect your scans and call reinforcement if targeted by your scanner. 😄

Edited by TrixHell
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