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[Solved][R7361] Player(var) errors when passed an AI Faction's faction ID


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Edit: solved. Debug message, not error.


The Player(var) function (constructor? The documents say its a constructor that returns a new Player object, but it's getting an existing one...) errors with the lines:


Sat Jan 28 18:00:52 2017| error constructing Player: No player with index 2000760 found at  [C]:-1: in function Player
Sat Jan 28 18:00:52 2017|   data/scripts/entity/ai/passsector.lua:37: in function ?


whenever passed the factionID of an AI faction.


This is causing the passsector.lua script to fail.


Reproduction: I've seen it in multiple logs at this point, so I'm assuming its an ubiquitous engine problem.


Expected Behavior: It should return false or nil.


Or, if Player(var) is supposed to error when passed an AI ID, then a different function should be in place for checking if a ship belongs to a player.

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It does return a player or nil, and it's perfectly acceptable to return nil. It's a debug message that hasn't been removed yet, not an error, even if it says error.

My apologies. We saw the error message a ton, and the server op was seeing more and more ships cluttering g up systems, so we assumed it was an error. Thanks for replying, and I'll make sure to check more thoroughly from here out.

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I hope these things are slowly removed they get kind of spammy in the logs and more script made new spam will be made I'm sure ehehe

You can temporarily avoid the log messages by changing Player(self.factionID) to Faction(self.factionID).isPlayer.


Though it'll probably be gone by the next hotfix :p

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