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Everything posted by Luccio

  1. In scripts/lib/galaxy.lua, this function: function Balancing_GetTechLevel(x, y) -- this is just a number indicating how strong the tech of the object is -- ranges from 0 to ... lots local coords = vec2(x, y) local dist = math.floor(length(coords)) local tech = lerp(dist, 0, 500, 52, 1) return math.floor(tech + 0.5) end If you only change the 52 to something higher, it will increase the cap, but also increase the tech level of every other sector. You'll also probably want to mess with Balancing_GetSectorWeaponDPS because tech level doesn't actually seem to have anything to do with weapon damage. That stuff will change all weapons though, I don't know how you'd make specific wrecks drop better items than anything else.
  2. Reach is for the description only, for beam weapons you need to change weapon.blength, and for projectiles weapon.pmaximumTime and weapon.pvelocity
  3. Turret size is a property of the turret entity, and recoil is a property of the weapons that make up the turret. Stick this in a command and play around with it to make any turret you want.
  4. That just refers to the entity that the player is controlling.
  5. You can change drop chances and difficulty level in server.ini in the galaxy folder. Damage enemies do to you starts at 2.5% at beginner difficulty, and goes up to 100% at insane.
  6. You can sort of bribe factions already by claiming asteroids and selling them to the faction you want standing with, and there are already stackable system upgrades that reduce hyperdrive cooldown. Two or three good ones can get it down to nothing.
  7. AFIK Stations use the values that were in productionsindex when they were created, so changing that file won't change any already existing stations, only newly created ones.
  8. Turning bloom off helps a lot.
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