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Everything posted by GrimJahk

  1. I think there is a significant legal difference between a Player building and flying a recognizable SciFi Icon in-game and Avorion using one of those ships as part of an advertising campaign...
  2. That still doesn't work... or more specifically, it does not solve the problem. What you are suggesting (and I am HEAVILY oversimplifying here) would allow a ship with 500 HP to equip 5 Fields and assign 100 HP to each, and then mitigate four different Railgun shots that do 900 damage each... and still fly away. And I reiterate, once you get into a larger ship, individually assigning each block to different fields is going to become a nightmare... Almost a week ago I suggested THIS as a solution to a different problem, but it could easily be adjusted to include managing "small" level asteroid impacts.
  3. I actually suggested an entire rework of organizing inventory... sorting into categories, New, Keep, Hold, Dump, this would help you out a LOT
  4. LOL you asked for discussion... ;) Working backwards, I remember reading someplace that walking around is simply not going to happen (certainly now, but who know what the future brings, EVE said the same thing), the current engine and efforts are geared wrong for it... and honestly there is not much point to trying to be NMS. As far as asteroid regen... there is already a mod for that, but in single player, I like finite resources, it forces exploration... and frankly finding one decent salvage yard or system and then mining asteroids becomes pointlessly slow going. 14) I started a thread about UAVs that got just a little traction, feel free to chime in on that. :) 9) I also broached the subject of building in space being too easy... met with resistance, dropped it for now 8) interesting thought! would take a few programming cycles to implement I think because it's so far from current meta, that's a drawback 5) there is already some weapon scaling, as the tech level gets higher so does the required footprint 4) since a majority of the player base will be playing solo or co-op with a buddy, spending too much dev time on tricking out the economic model would only benefit dedicated server scenarios... No game will ever match EVE for it's economic complexity 3) already exists it's just slightly tedious to accomplish 1 and 2) This is the ABSOLUTE Gold of your post... Factories combined with Researching are super OP just now... But I would love to see a system where you can surrender your (looted) turrets to a Research Center along with a "DataFile" (blueprint) for a chance of improving the base stats... As you keep feeding looted gear into the database there is a chance it improves and you can build from that print... This encourages looking for loot, and has a place to dump stuff into... even the low level trash can have a chance at improvement, reducing manufacturing cost... You always fight with your best looted stuff, but as you find better you recycle the old stuff to improve your "DataFiles" this keeps the looted stuff as your best gear and allows you to manufacture stuff that is just below that...
  5. Point well made.. and makes sense. (wishes I was more creative, but looks forward to the new content!!!)
  6. I completely agree that something is broken, and should be fixed. But fix the actual problem, don't over-engineer a work-around. ;)
  7. VERY valid points... in my mind its not so much a "vote it in", as a "vote to get it reviewed by Devs" for implementation... now... that being said... it's still a discussion between Devs and Modders as to final outcome, but I was noticing several QoL type mods that would be great additions to the core game... and that this might encourage more Modders to make QoL type stuff. Implementing Mods right now is not always the simplest thing. Not everyone is comfortable messing around under the hood.
  8. 1) Because this game is so young... 2) Because the Mod community is already growing... 3) Because the Dev team is already loaded with stuff to do... I humbly suggest: Monthly Mod Reviews... Top x(3? 5?) mods each month (by player voting) are considered by the dev for inclusion into the game proper. We all have QoL aspects that we'd like to see in the game and some Mods provide that.. if the Mod actually is in line with where the Devs want the game to go, it saves them the time of writing the code... One great example of something that the game needs that someone (couple of people) took the time to make the improvement... there are countless others. 1)Winning and approved Mods get Writing/Contribution credit... 2)Devs still control final implemented code... 3)Players get more fleshed out features faster... 4)... Meatier game gets more players and exposure to more of the Modding community... 5)Profit.
  9. To add to this... if I am in a salvage yard, and I see the warnings pop up that they are incoming, I'll hop a zone over until they spawn and then come back for more salvaging. I think I parked 18 or more in the same sector this way.
  10. As long as you don't discharge a weapon they do not attack, you can leave a sector. But they are Squatters... they are not leaving... unless dead. Single player... you can currently leave the game and return and it resets their aggro. (bug?)
  11. I like what I see but not sure what the differences are, they are not explained... Vanilla looks like two icons, one to move one and one to move all the other one looks like a move one option?
  12. In my mind, once you reach a certain evolution in the game, maneuverability is more important than HP. You will have (massive) shields in place and the only real value to HP is survivability while you are escaping... and escaping is easier if you can run away fast if jammed. Now, If shields get nerfed, and/or there becomes a much faster Armor repair method... then you will see more focus on HP and around armor block placement... but with the build (version) we have now...
  13. Unlike EVE, there will be MANY servers. not to mention the sheer number of people that will be playing this solo locally. The need for a respawn mechanic is not urgent to the game on the whole, but I expect that the Modding community may address this for the dedicated server community.
  14. Replying here instead of new thread. Is there something in the works to fix the transfer of cargo between vessels? If you buy 300 of something and then need to store it... you just committed to a few hundred clicks... Would LOVE to see same interface as hiring crew applied here...
  15. Report the Moderator to the Moderator... umm... dammit!
  16. Only for a very few... I, for one, SUCK at ship design. I'd put myself in the bottom 30%. Replaying the game around Design will simply not be in ANY future for me... New technology, new story lines, Improved IA, Harder skill settings... While I can completely appreciate your enthusiasm, this particular concept is... challenged. I read somewhere that focused directional thrusters is already in the works. Adding the intentional damaging aspect to it, effectively weaponizing it, is impractical. If the only reason for the damage was to force people to put them on the outside... well, you will get incredible push-back from people that do enjoy design, because they like making stuff that is functional and beautiful... (MMMmmm Alligator)... There are so many little things that can be focused on that will continually improve the game, keep thinking, keep offering feedback and suggestions... but once you toss something out there... pay attention to the conversations that happen (or not)... if you suggest something that people like, the momentum will carry it to the ears of the Devs... if you get resistance... Stop and think about how many people would actually see this as a benefit/use it, if that number is less than 75%, it's probably not gonna happen... let it go and move on... I've been involved in betas all the way back to WoW... I see the passion in the ideas, but people get burned out fighting a lost cause that they chase with religious fever... don't be that guy. ;)
  17. That doesn't make sense... if you take 5k damage from an impact with an object... enough to overwhelm the combined HP of your ship, how would re-coding the way blocks are tethered to technology change that? Are you suggesting that ALL 5k of that damage be absorbed by just a single set of blocks instead of the rest of the ship? Damage transfers... it does damage and kills a section then moves to the next section... until all the damage is assigned. Wouldn't fixing the collision mechanics solve the problem? (Which needs to happen anyhow) I'm really not trying to fight you here, just this seems incredibly complicated to add in a technology an THEN go through and assign association sets... if you are building a massive ship... hell even a medium ship... this would be incredibly tedious... let alone having access to all components.
  18. At this point in time, any work that is done on the game will be a universal application. Functionality, Balance, Replay-ability, and Story. HOWEVER, since this game is so open to Mods... you MAY find a Modder that would be willing to invest time into a project like this... You just need to get them excited about the number of users this would interest.
  19. I'd love to see this... The one thing that bothers me the most, aesthetically, is the entire "Blocks in Space" motif... If players had the ability to submit ships to a master database and the game could call on that list to add diversity to the environment... WOW
  20. As I understand it, the way the integrity field works is by effectively doubling the HP of the block it is protecting. It's already -not- an "all or nothing" situation.
  21. Please link this other thread and I'll be happy to join it... Apparently I missed it...
  22. May be known issue, First time crafting some salvagers used the extra materials to get the 1.2 range out of them and in use I'm only getting .7 KM range.
  23. While this is possible, it's not necessarily a feature of the game... not everyone wants to leave the game each time they want to try an edit or see what functionally changes when you try swapping out material. Right now in order to know what your ship is made up of, in game, you have to peel it... If you can select a line item on a BOM and swap out material and see instantly the effects... this will help ship designers.
  24. I'm all for any variant of this that makes sense in game.. but I would give experienced operators bonuses to their job as opposed to controlling more.. if you only have 10 drones and have 10 operators that know them inside out... they would be more efficient in operating the drones... better damage or yield makes sense, not having a pilot sitting on his bunk because his buddy can now run his drone.
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