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Everything posted by cepheni

  1. Does that only occur in fullscreen? Have you set the Windows UI scaling of 100%?
  2. This has been suggested very often and the developers are working on something that will satisfy all (or most, as all might be impossible ;))
  3. There is currently no way for that, nor is it planned for the near future. Sorry in advance if this is a stupid question, but did you try to lower your mouse sensitivity? For me there are no jerky movements besides the mining lasers of the drone readjusting if I move. Everything else looks quite smooth to me.
  4. A few of these sound like good advice. E.g. the separated build mode to allow creative builders the time they need with perfect light (and without crew requirements). It may come some time in the future. For now the devs attention is more on creating safe zones where no pirate attacks etc happen. That would at least partially help.
  5. Is this the full log file? This looks like some of your galaxy files got corrupted. Are you able to start a new galaxy as dedicated server? Can you send me the whole dedicated server directory (please zip it) to support@avorion.net?
  6. Hi, this is currently not possible, it will be changed with the upcoming alliances update, so maybe then we can make it available to modders.
  7. Can you please post the client log, or in case it is too big: An excerpt from the beginning, the first occurrence of the error and the last few lines? That would really help us in working out the error.
  8. The reason for Avorion saving everything the way it is, is that is considered "good coding practice" to do so. Well, we all can see it seems not to be the best way for Avorion. The devs are working on a better way for this.
  9. The fighters with only 1 HP is a bug, the devs are working on that. Fighters will get a rework anyways as there have been many cool suggestions, that Koonschi wants to integrate into the game :)
  10. Look in the documentation on the server-side sector class. There should be a function createWormhole.
  11. Glad you could resolve it yourself, we were completely baffled as to what might cause this..
  12. Hi there, please do use steam networking. Without it the server has no idea who the players are. With the update that will be out today the bug where some players got new playerIDs every time they logged on should be fixed.
  13. Sadly you are right. We are not allowed to use ships that are obviously build off copyrighted material (like the star wars ships) for advertising purposes. But still it would be really awesome to see what you guys do :)
  14. This will be fixed/much improved with the patch that will be going live later today.
  15. While this would be really cool, you have to consider how much work it would take. Even when working full time on it, to get something like that right will take a lot of time. And that time should better be spend on making the existing game better. So as for now the devs have no intention of adding that into the game. This, however: is something that we definitely want for the game :)
  16. Thanks for that awesome laugh, the sheer size of that thing :D And the ship looks amazing!
  17. So I talked to Koonschi about your issue, and he reminded me that performance is not directly dependent on size of a ship, but rather on the number of blocks. Therefore it could help you a great deal, if you merged blocks before removing them. Merging will not change the form of the ship, but should increase performance as it reduces the effective block count.
  18. This is a known issue, the passing ships are spawned into the same position => its a crash and both take damage. It doesn't matter if this are AI ships, player ships or a combination of the two. The devs are aware of it and will fix it soon!
  19. This is a known issue, the devs are working on it!
  20. thanks for further investigating! I will pass the additional information on to the devs.
  21. That does look really nice. Something along those lines is already planned, but as it is more eye candy than a necessity it has a lower priority. It is on the list of cool stuff to add :)
  22. As I have now talked with Koonschi, it seems he is more in favor of the pilots being inanimate cargo. But for the picking stuff up, and here not just the pilots but everything, he would want a collect option added to fighters. Like, e.g. you build mining fighters, that would always pick floating resources up, and for your normal fighter fighters a separate option.
  23. If you want to translate whole shipparts (or even the whole thing) just copy the part to the template menu and rebuild it while having the target material selected. That won't do of course, if you want to only change the inner parts of the ship. A list of some kind with all blocks where changing the material would be possible sounds like an awesome idea.
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