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Everything posted by Ravien

  1. Independent firing weapons will typically do less damage, but it means you won't have to hold down the fire button while you whittle the station down. You can set them to automatically engage targets in range, or you can tell them to attack a specific target. I really like cannon turrets because they can do a huge amount of damage per volley but aren't slow like rockets. They can't fire for too long before overheating but if you get enough of them, things will typically die within a few volleys depending on your difficulty. While every weapon can be used against any targets, in general it breaks down as follows: Railguns can penetrate layers of hull (armor stops them). Cannon turrets and launcher turrets are good against exposed hull because they are capable of doing aoe damage to multiple blocks at once. Launcher turrets can also have "seeking" which causes the rockets to follow an enemy. Bolter turrets get a bonus damage to hull. Plasma turrets get a massive damage bonus against shields. Pulse cannons have a high chance to penetrate shields. Laser turrets have pinpoint accuracy. Tesla and lightning turrets I have not used much. Chainguns are okay against everything and are one of the few weapons that doesn't overheat or drain energy. This is all subject to change in the upcoming combat update part 1, but that probably won't be out for a few months.
  2. NPCs do a better job mining than our own AI controlled ships! At least they sit still. :D I'd be happy if our miners would move into range of the asteroid, stop, and point at it.
  3. Good to hear! Look forward to the new version.
  4. I think making it an optional download would be awesome. That is a good fix until the combat update happens that gives us actual anti-fighter weapons. While it's pretty cool watching the AI use fighters in their big faction battles, I think people would appreciate that mod.
  5. Something I noticed is that the listed sell value of system upgrades is different than how much you actually get from selling them. I found a high end upgrade that said it sold for about 90k but I got over 300k for selling it, for example.
  6. Really looking forward to trying this all out! I've been waiting for the combat updates to hit before starting a new game but your mods and Shrooblord's commentary are making me want to play again right now. Here's the thing: you're not just making enemies more difficult by increasing their health and damage, you're putting thought into things to try to shake up the normal game while keeping it balanced. The fact that you made enemies progressively harder as you get closer to the core makes me excited to try it out.
  7. Well, an integrity field doesn't have to let blocks share hp with each other to produce the kinds of damage you're seeing. If a block takes a massive hit (such as from a collision), normally that block would break off and your ship's health would only take a small hit. With an integrity field generator, the block has 10x more health so you'll take 10x more damage from a collision because the block can absorb 10x more damage before breaking. I think. Don't forget your tinfoil hat!
  8. The collision damage is an option when you make a new game. I believe that the default collision damage should be set lower, and/or reworked somewhat, but yeah early access games don't often have the best in the way of tutorials. Why are you expecting AAA release features on early access indie titles?
  9. Is it just me, or have there been a LOT of uninformed people posting on gaming forums lately? I don't mean just about this game, I've seen it about many other games too. It seems like in the past month or two the trolls have really started to come out of the woodwork. For example: this guy does know that he can tweak the collision damage to his preference, or even turn it off? No, of course he doesn't. Yet he makes a new account for these forums for the single purpose of posting his uninformed opinion as fact instead of taking 10 seconds to go over the difficulty settings.
  10. Avorion was released on Steam on January 23rd, 2017. Yes, it has been in early access for about a year. What's wrong with that? Minecraft was in early access for like 2 years.
  11. You didn't offer constructive criticism though. I've read all your posts on his mods and none of them offered any critique of value. Same thing with your posts on the news forum. Funny thing is when I suggested that there might be a language barrier, you took it as a personal attack, and now you use a personal attack on someone else yourself. Nobody understands where you're coming from because the things you say are so way off base that it's literally like you're playing a different game than the rest of us.
  12. Last major patch was the economy update five weeks ago, on December 6th. Not "near 2 months ago." Source: http://www.avorion.net/forum/index.php/topic,4141.0.html They revealed major info about the next planned major update to combat on December 12th and December 19th. We have a pretty good idea what major features are coming in the next few large updates. Source: http://www.avorion.net/forum/index.php/topic,4235.0.html http://www.avorion.net/forum/index.php/topic,4276.0.html The dev team has made 8 new posts on this very forum during the months of December and January combined. That is an average of more than 1 new post per week. I simply do not understand how you come to the conclusions that you do. You can criticize the game, criticism is needed during early access to help develop the game, but the things you have stated are so off base that I am just confused.
  13. Well there's this from the Economy update patch notes: "The owners of these stations get a 20% tax of the income of these stations, as well as cheaper prices!"
  14. Surprised nobody's mentioned it yet but: Find a neutral sector. They are random and rare but you can tell you're in a neutral sector when you jump into one and get the message "you've entered a neutral sector." They typically generate with a shipyard and repair dock, PvP is disabled in them, and pirates will not attack. "Added "neutral zones", sectors where no attacks will happen and where players can't deal damage to each other" http://www.avorion.net/forum/index.php/topic,2955.0.html
  15. I have seen some of your posts in the Mods forum and I don't know if it's a language barrier or what but it's really hard to ever follow what you're trying to say. From my reading, it seems like you're always talking about something completely different than the subject at hand and that makes it hard to try to help you. Avorion has had major updates in July, October, and December. That is a major patch every 2-3 months so far. I'm not sure what games YOU play but that's definitely not "rarely" compared to the industry at large, it's about average or above average. They've also released numerous smaller patches and hotfixes between the larger patches. The last update was December 9th, one month and 4 days ago. Avorion seems to follow the standard patch cycle of a major patch, followed by a series of smaller hotfixes and patches, followed by a period of few/no patches until the release of the next major update. That's normal. That's standard. I'm not a game developer but that update schedule makes intuitive sense to me. I'm really not sure what you're trying to say, Hellatze. I strongly feel there's a language barrier here or something.
  16. Turrets already do have different rotational speeds. You can tell by how quickly the aiming circles follow your mouse cursor. Your chain guns will aim quicker than say, your cannon turrets, though right now there's not enough difference between them. Hopefully this update will include allowing chainguns to turn much faster and things like cannon turrets and railguns will turn slower.
  17. Thanks for all of this! Definitely going to keep an eye on these mods when I start a new game!
  18. This seems like a great mod! Looks like you really put some thought into balancing it (for example, making random attacks harder but also make them happen less frequently) Hellatze, he does not know which mods you had installed and so there's no way for him to make a recovery file for you in this situation. The best thing to do would be to reinstall the default files like he suggested, and then install the mods you want again. In the future, ALWAYS back up your saves and files before modding and expect things to break. :)
  19. It really seems like the game's direction is going towards being a space game, not a planet one. Maybe some day planets can be added but I just think there's too much space content that needs to be added first.
  20. Microtransactions are difficult to pull off in a game like this. I guess you could sell things like character portraits or borders or maybe flags to add to your ships or alternate weapons effects, but otherwise you can't exactly sell ship textures or colors because that would be a nightmare for sharing content on the steam workshop. Other games have more choices for skins and cosmetics because those games aren't based around building.
  21. You're doing it right. Assuming the second ship has a captain and long enough hyperdrive reach and is close enough to your ship, it should follow you when you jump. Of course the AI is still a work in progress and bugs can happen.
  22. There are trolls on every steam forum. Best thing to do is just to counter their arguments with your own, without resorting to any name calling, but also to acknowledge any legitimate feedback or criticism of the game. Report any posts that are harassing or otherwise break the terms of service. Not much the game devs can do though.
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