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Everything posted by Hammelpilaw

  1. Player owned stations have negative upgrade costs when their price is below 3 millions (like potato factory). Maybe set a min price of 3mio for all stations, that would also help for modded stations wich may be even cheaper.
  2. This issue sometimes happens on shipyards. I can not say for sure how to reproduce... Maybe it is related to duplicated ship names... Restarting the server will fix it.
  3. I always have a offline galaxy on easiest difficulty for testing and building, when you stay outside, no enemy will hurt you ;)
  4. What you wrote in Wiki can also happen to ships. One time all weapons of my ship got removed into inventory when repairing the ship... I cant say for sure, but I think it is the same issue. This issue also happened once to a friend when he merged 2 cargo blocks of the complex. He lost most of his factories.
  5. I could not find the trigger in scricts, it seems it is hard coded.
  6. I like the ideas (although i'll make it very different on Galaxy Gamers server), but had a few more ideas during last days. The point is just that id go further. Not just add a new balancing, but add a config wich gives the user control over the galaxy. Set everything to vanilla settings in default config and let users change via config file. Ship size, ship damage (damage multiplier, not just add more weapons), station size, also a config wich allows the user to add weapons to npc stations (with configurable amount and damage multiplier), a multiplier for shields on enemy ships and much more you can simply configure in just one config file. It makes you able to set very much more then just difficulty between -3 and 3. All settings can be set as total and relative to distance to core (so you could also make it easier in the outside, but harder at core). This would partially fix the difficulty problem - it is much too easy in vanilla game, even on highest difficulty. All these settings must not affect other settings - f.e. ship size should not affect weapon damage wich currently happens, and that makes it feel the same as Hallatze said, cause you also buff your own ship, not just the enemies.
  7. Hmm interesting idea to make planets with the ship editor... but it sounds like modding since Koonschi said there will not be planet landing in Avorion.
  8. Update 0.1.2 released. Added support for i18n translation mod by rinart73.
  9. Awesome mod, just starting to implement support for it in my own mods and the modpack of Galaxy Gamers server.
  10. Yes, shedule is between 1 * 60 * 60 and 6 * 60 * 60. But later in the script it will be multiplied with a random number between 0 and 1, so in the shedule parameter will be between 0 and 6 * 60 * 60, wich will be added to the minimum event time. The to parameter is the maximum distance from core for this event. Outside of this distance the event will not be initialized.
  11. this is what I was talking about. From the strength of the hull of ships in the sector depends DPS turrets. because of what complexity is only in finance This mod will currently result in overpowered weapon factories. I just installed this mod on client side only to watch the weapons at my turret factory on our server (installing client side only will display the values, as it would be with mod installed on server side). One laser would have more then 100k (yes, more then 0.1 million) dps. You could exclude modded ship size from the dps calculations (this is what Im currently planning on our server) to solve this. Also stations in the center will be 10 times bigger, this will also affect station wreckages wich gives you an overpowered resource income. In a testgalaxy I just had a station with more then 2 billions hp and shields. Stations could also be excluded from this calculation. Sadly there is no balancing function to add damage multipliers to generated ships, this would help a lot to increase difficulty, and thats why I prefer to increase the damage by modifying specific generator files. Just adding more turrets will not increase damage very well, but increase server load. By modding entities you can pull its damage to whatever you want. But at all its a great idea to do this via galaxy.lua, I never thought about editing this file (shame on me).
  12. Change this line: {schedule = random():getInt(50, 100) * 60, script = "mods/XsotanDreadnought/scripts/player/XsotanDreadnoughtAttack", minimum = 60 * 60, arguments = {true}, to = 400}, to this: {schedule = random():getInt(1, 6) * 60 * 60, script = "mods/XsotanDreadnought/scripts/player/XsotanDreadnoughtAttack", minimum = 6 * 60 * 60, arguments = {true}, to = 400}, This will change the interval to 6-12 hours (wich is not even once a day when you play 6 hours each day. Thanks for the info. I think this is an harmless issue, but fixed it in XDEvent 0.1.2, please download the current version. People who are using MineCorp mod must not update.
  13. Hammelpilaw

    Happy New Year!

    Have a great 2018 too :) Thanks for keeping us updated.
  14. You may take a look into /lib/pirategenerator.lua to make pirates stronger. function PirateGenerator.create(position, volumeFactor, turretFactor, title) -- ADD NEXT LINE!! volumeFactor = volumeFactor * 2 -- increases size by 2 position = position or Matrix() local x, y = Sector():getCoordinates() PirateGenerator.pirateLevel = PirateGenerator.pirateLevel or Balancing_GetPirateLevel(x, y) local faction = Galaxy():getPirateFaction(PirateGenerator.pirateLevel) local volume = Balancing_GetSectorShipVolume(x, y) * volumeFactor; local plan = PlanGenerator.makeShipPlan(faction, volume) local ship = Sector():createShip(faction, "", plan, position) -- turrets should also scale with pirate strength, but every pirate must have at least 1 turret local turrets = math.max(2, math.floor(Balancing_GetEnemySectorTurrets(x, y) * turretFactor)) ShipUtility.addArmedTurretsToCraft(ship, turrets) ship.crew = ship.minCrew ship.title = title ship.shieldDurability = ship.shieldMaxDurability ShipAI(ship.index):setAggressive() ship:setValue("is_pirate", 1) -- ADD NEXT 3 LINES!! local damageMultiplier = volumeFactor if damageMultiplier < 2 then damageMultiplier = 2 end ship.damageMultiplier = damageMultiplier return ship end For Xsotans you could modify /lib/story/xsotan.lua like this: function Xsotan.createShip(position, volumeFactor) position = position or Matrix() local volume = Balancing_GetSectorShipVolume(Sector():getCoordinates()) volume = volume * (volumeFactor or 1) -- CHANGE NEXT LINE!! volume = volume * 1 -- xsotan ships aren't supposed to be very big local x, y = Sector():getCoordinates() local probabilities = Balancing_GetMaterialProbability(x, y) local material = Material(getValueFromDistribution(probabilities)) local faction = Xsotan.getFaction() local plan = PlanGenerator.makeShipPlan(faction, volume, nil, material) local ship = Sector():createShip(faction, "", plan, position) Xsotan.infectShip(ship) -- Xsotan have random turrets TurretGenerator.initialize(random():createSeed()) local turret = TurretGenerator.generateArmed(x, y) local numTurrets = math.max(2, Balancing_GetEnemySectorTurrets(x, y) * 0.75) ShipUtility.addTurretsToCraft(ship, turret, numTurrets) ship:setTitle("Xsotan ${ship}", {ship = ShipUtility.getMilitaryNameByVolume(ship.volume)}) ship.crew = ship.minCrew ship.shieldDurability = ship.shieldMaxDurability -- ADD NEXT 3 LINES!! local damageMultiplier = (volumeFactor or 1) * 2 if damageMultiplier < 2 then damageMultiplier = 2 end ship.damageMultiplier = damageMultiplier AddDefaultShipScripts(ship) ship:addScript("ai/patrol.lua") ship:addScript("story/xsotanbehaviour.lua") ship:setValue("is_xsotan", 1) return ship end function Xsotan.createCarrier(position, volumeFactor, fighters) position = position or Matrix() fighters = fighters or 30 local volume = Balancing_GetSectorShipVolume(Sector():getCoordinates()) volume = volume * (volumeFactor or 1) volume = volume * 5.0 -- ADD NEXT LINE!! volume = volume * 2 -- increases size by 2 local x, y = Sector():getCoordinates() local probabilities = Balancing_GetMaterialProbability(x, y) local material = Material(getValueFromDistribution(probabilities)) local faction = Xsotan.getFaction() local plan = PlanGenerator.makeCarrierPlan(faction, volume, nil, material) local ship = Sector():createShip(faction, "", plan, position) -- add fighters local hangar = Hangar(ship.index) hangar:addSquad("Alpha") hangar:addSquad("Beta") hangar:addSquad("Gamma") local numFighters = 0 for squad = 0, 2 do local fighter = FighterGenerator.generateArmed(faction:getHomeSectorCoordinates()) for i = 1, 7 do hangar:addFighter(squad, fighter) numFighters = numFighters + 1 if numFighters >= fighters then break end end if numFighters >= fighters then break end end ship.crew = ship.minCrew -- Xsotan have random turrets TurretGenerator.initialize(random():createSeed()) local turret = TurretGenerator.generateArmed(x, y) local numTurrets = math.max(1, Balancing_GetEnemySectorTurrets(x, y) / 2) ShipUtility.addTurretsToCraft(ship, turret, numTurrets) ship:setTitle("Xsotan ${ship}", {ship = ShipUtility.getMilitaryNameByVolume(ship.volume)}) ship.crew = ship.minCrew ship.shieldDurability = ship.shieldMaxDurability -- ADD NEXT 3 LINES!! local damageMultiplier = (volumeFactor or 1) * 2 if damageMultiplier < 2 then damageMultiplier = 2 end ship.damageMultiplier = damageMultiplier AddDefaultShipScripts(ship) ship:addScript("ai/patrol.lua") ship:addScript("story/xsotanbehaviour.lua") ship:setValue("is_xsotan", 1) return ship end I did not test the code so no guarantee it works. It should increase volume of xsotans and pirates, and also increase the damage. Bigger ships will get a more incresed damage then smaller ships.
  15. Xsotan Dreadnought The Xsotan Dreadnought is a boss with very strong shields. It can charge up during fight wich repairs its shields and increase the damage output. Also he will call more xsotan ships to help him. He got some kind of special shields that absorbs ionized projectils, shield breaking weapons and even collision damage. Installation instructions Step 1 - Installation Download the XsotanDreadnought zip file and extract the content of its Avorion directory into your local Avorion directory. Be aware that mod version 0.2.0 requires Avorion 0.17.1 or higher! For lower versions use mod version 0.1.2. Step 2 - Initialization Implement the event in your scripts. There are different methods to do this. You can use one or more of the methods below: Random event Implement mod as a random event that will be automaticly started about every 2-3 hours for users (like the distress call mission). Open the zip file and extract the content of its XDEvent directory into your local Avorion directory. In case you are using mod version 0.3.0 you have to download the seperated XDEvent zip file, since version 0.4.0 it is included to mod package. Mission at military outpost Use this mod as a plugin for MilitaryMissions mod. Follow installation instructions of the MilitaryMissions mod and enable the Xsotan Dreadnought in the file `mods/MilitaryMissions/config/MilitaryMissionsConfig.lua`. Custom initialization (for modders) Alternatively you can use this mod as a resource that can be implemented in your own mods/scripts. Player():addScript("mods/XsotanDreadnought/scripts/player/XsotanDreadnoughtAttack.lua", true) or Player():addScriptOnce("mods/XsotanDreadnought/scripts/player/XsotanDreadnoughtAttack.lua", true) Calling this will start the event for the player. Step 3 - Translation (optional) If you do not want to use translations for this mod or only need it in english, you may skip this step. Support for i18n translation mod by rinart73 is implemented in this mod since version 0.1.2. Included languages: English German Russian To enable translations download i18n mod and follow installation instructions (only "Installation", you must not do the steps "For users" and below). i18n mod - forum topic You can add additional languages, just take a look into mods/XsotanDreadnought/localization/en.lua I do not take any warrenty to any other language data then English and German. Watch credits section to see the creators of additional language data. Configuration You should take a look into the config file: mods/XsotanDreadnought/config/XsotanDreadnoughtConfig.lua You can change a lot of balancing stuff there. The comments should say everything you need to know. Version history Compatiblity This mod is highly compatible with almost all other mods. It does not overwrite any game file. Only the XDEvent (watch Installation step 2 for more information) overwrites the file eventscheduler.lua. If another mod already modifies your eventscheduler.lua, you have to merge them or implement the event trigger by yourself into any script. For not making the Dreadnought stronger then the Wormhole Guardian you can also use the Wormhole Scout mod. Translations You created your own language file for this mod, wich is not included in the current mod version, and want it to be released? Just send me your language.lua file. Credits for translations Thanks to all who helped translating this mod: * Russian by Rinart73 CarrierCommand priority If you are using CarrierCommand mod by Laserzwei you may add a priority fighter use for the Dreanought. I recommand a priority of 15. Config.additionalPriorities = { xsotan_dreadnought = 15 } Developing For developing I used a modified entitydbg.lua to start the event, this file is also included in this package. This file may not be up to date cause I do not update it frequently, use at your own risk. Its version number matches Avorion versions. XDEvent-0.1.2.zip XsotanDreadnought-0.4.2.zip XDentitydbg-0.20.0.zip
  16. Hi WSY, thanks for your reply. But dont hurry and enjoy christmas ;) Our server did not crash since i limited max fighter per player/sector to 50. So currently I think we just gotta wait until this issue get fixed by Koon.
  17. Hmm also bis auf den Absturz sieht alles ok aus... Ich geh mal davon aus dass du die Hardware nicht übertaktet hast? Evtl. mal Beta Treiber für die Graka installieren. Mehr wüsst ich jetzt auch nicht... sorry.
  18. Was für Hardware hast du? Einiges steht im Logfile, aber vielleicht gibts ja damit ein Problem? Sieht mir danach aus als hättest du einen AMD Ryzen? Die sind ja noch "relativ" neu, evtl gibts damit noch Probleme? Mehr wüsst ich jetzt auch nicht... hatte vergleichbare Probleme bisher nur server seitig. Ansonsten kann ich dir nur empfehlen rauszufinden, wie du den Fehler reproduzieren kannst. Reproduzierbarkeit ist immer sehr hilfreich bei der Fehlersuche.
  19. You should NOT jump into yellow dots. A yellow dot marks a sector containing asteroids, wreckages or so, but you have to only jump into empty sectors without any dot.
  20. Das ist kein Avorion Serer log. Du findest es im Galaxie Verzeichnis, der Name vom log ist ähnlich dem vom Client, z.B. "serverlog 2017-12-23 10-02-51.txt". Evtl. mal das Spiel neu Installieren. Wichtig ist auch alle Treiber auf den aktuellen Stand zu bringen, insbesondere den Grafiktreiber. Wenn das beides nichts hilft poste mal bitte das Server logfile (wie oben beschrieben).
  21. Solche Fehlermeldungen sind immer ziemlich fies, weil sie recht wenig darüber aussagen wo der Fehler liegt. Wie sieht denn das Server logfile aus? Bitte einmal hochladen. Nutzt du Mods? Wenn ja welche? Ein bekannter Fehler der momentan ähnliche Meldungen im Log erzeugt hat mit Fightern zu tun, allerdings verursacht der Server abstürze, keine Client abstürze: http://www.avorion.net/forum/index.php/topic,4104.0.html Tritt der Fehler auch auf wenn du maximal 50 Fighter pro sektor nutzt?
  22. Be sure not not jump in any hidden mass sector. You should equip a radar upgrade with mass scanner. If you jumped into 8 empty sectors in row the AI will spawn, but if you jump in a sector with yellow or green dot on map you may have to jump 8 times again. As far as i know you can chose 2 empty sectors and jump from one to the other again and again, until AI spawns, but im not sure about this.
  23. So you set up a server but miss the admin rights? Then there should already be an admin.xml, but you are not set as admin. If you have an offline galaxy you could just copy it on the server. Otherwise you could simply insert your steam id. Offline galaxies are saved in C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Avorion\galaxies. When you modify the admin.xml, you need to do this AFTER you shut down the server. Shutting down the server saves (overwrites) all config files. Installation instructions should be contained in every mod or its forum topic. If instructions are missing or unclear, ask what you need to know. Generally you need to copy modfiles into Avorion directory. But some mods require some more things to do. I hope this is what you need to know.
  24. Once I had the idea to add an UI to print some custom texts. F.e. you need to buy lot of different goods to get your factories running, you can write some kind of shopping list wich you always see on your screen. This would fit perfectly into MoveUI.
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