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Kane Hart

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Everything posted by Kane Hart

  1. Sweet and yes I know this could take time too. BTW I assume the way you predict the gate colors to other sectors is because the other sectors connected to the gate/wormholes are already loaded to the connected system?
  2. Yeah I had this and quite a few on my server with this. I just told them it's fine as far as I know modules don't shut off even if you run out of all your power and there is no module requirements from what I can tell.
  3. Yeah true, though if it was me I just keep most basic level just say faction data and nothing else in it and use that at least a template who who owns what in space. With that alone you could have an entire simulated galaxy with a roll of a dice. Just consider all factions equal in strength and you could have just a dice role and see who won that system and such overtime. I'm sure I'm going way to simple but sometimes super simple is the best. I mean even now we have this world that feels so alive and yet it's just a very basic foundation in a sense of scripts that feel like pirates are coming in and attacking and factions vs faction wars happening.
  4. Do you think this will also include some sort of basic MP Function where my friend can land on my carrier and then I can jump while he comes for the ride and explore the stars while he is parked inside my big large opening err hanger?
  5. It's all based on seed not much of a programmer but I would assume that no matter what it's always some what the same layout? So why not use the code to generate each system via the seed and generate a special list file with all the data stored inside of it for the entire galaxy. Keep it lightweight but it would be a good way to create such a system. Just an idea but what do I know I'm just the guy who enjoys playing lol.
  6. BTW there is weapons that ignore shields before we all start hyping for nerfs.
  7. Who edits solved without a solution for poor people like above hehe.
  8. If the game was a bit more realistically simulated and you can't build everywhere, etc. I would not mind having storage like that. Where maybe if you belong to a faction you can access your items from anywhere that faction has shipyards, etc. But it's more of a RPG game in so many ways then eve online sort of game.
  9. Oh we taking requests :P I like to see all these ;) http://imgur.com/a/1o4jf
  10. /help system and there is an example in the main post and I also made a video as well.
  11. So I'm a newbie and can't really code but been reading through the miningsystem.lua a lot and I think I found a bug :) From what i can tell the hud rendering has no actual math to divide it based on the range of the module so if you have Petty or Legendary you can see the asteroids up to 5km. This all vanilla btw. function onPreRenderHud() local ship = Entity() local shipPos = ship.translationf local sphere = Sphere(shipPos, 500) local nearby = {Sector():getEntitiesByLocation(sphere)} local displayed = {} -- detect all asteroids in range for _, entity in pairs(nearby) do if entity.type == EntityType.Asteroid then local resources = entity:getMineableResources() if resources ~= nil and resources > 0 then local material = entity:getMineableMaterial() if material.value <= materialLevel then local d = distance2(entity.translationf, shipPos) table.insert(displayed, {material = material, asteroid = entity, distance = d}) end end end end -- sort by distance table.sort(displayed, sort) -- display nearest x local renderer = UIRenderer() for i = 1, math.min(#displayed, amount) do local tuple = displayed[i] renderer:renderEntityTargeter(tuple.asteroid, tuple.material.color); renderer:renderEntityArrow(tuple.asteroid, 30, 10, 250, tuple.material.color, 0); end renderer:display() end Unless range has an entire different meaning?
  12. I personally find the Mining System aka the Module is a bit of a Joke to me personal. For example this is the best one in the game give or take a few asteroids: Personally I found this a tad weak and not worth it and I will never use it sadly and I want to use it. So what I decided to do is modify it and make it more useful so I will actually want to use it in the future. Thankfully we have a kickass developer who supports modding and allows us to customize things the way we like so I took advantage of just that. So what this mod does is simple increase the range and some minor price tweaks due to the range + power tweaks once again due to the range increase and messing with all the math formula's. This is what it looks like now: Download: http://stonelegion.com/Avorion/mods/miningsystem.zip Install: Unzip the miningsystem.lua and replace the old one where the game is installed. Avorion\data\scripts\systems Diff: https://www.diffchecker.com/oceyaGqL Why the Diff? Because if this mod becomes out of date and the files are replaced then this is one the best ways to show you the differences so you can change it yourself by hand in the future.
  13. Where is your ship designs? I tried looking / downloading yours and found none.
  14. Made a quick Video guide on how to make a small ship core + How to upgrade your ship materials from say Iron to Titanium. EDIT: I found out if you turn safe mode off that you can delete the core block haha so the first half the tutorial was a waste :)
  15. /sethome one worked though I could not figure out the other 2. There is no help command in game for them if you just use their base command, etc. Thanks.
  16. I had made a video on this as well to help people:
  17. These 3 Happen in order from oldest to newest. So it crashed after few hours this had 2 crashes again within 1-2 min: http://pastebin.com/Tgeqpt7J http://pastebin.com/MXUNg6wC http://pastebin.com/ZDa0MmLJ
  18. I think they actually always do have a Shipyard when they start out :) Line 31 and 32 of starsector.lua generator:createShipyard(faction) generator:createRepairDock(faction) Yeah I really dislike the current method it really feels like cheating. I wonder if this something we could even mod back in or at least beg for an option in the future including disabling the repair button as a option too.
  19. Necro, but can we extend this to loot, ore and money from killed ships? Can we do this but make it a module :P
  20. Face it we all know building is way too cheap as is. I feel like you should be starting off at a ship yard. The tutorial should reflect this and you can only build within a proximity to a shipyard or maybe even a player owned station with the correct special module. Why: 1) Building anywhere is cheap face it 2) You can so swap modules in and out on the fly 3) Gives you a reason to go back and forth and keep your relationships strong. 4) Prevents exploits like deleting your entire ship to easily respawn somewhere or get out of trouble. 5) because you know it's a good idea and there could be a option to enable and disable this feature to start with. Face it options make everyone happy and they can choose :) 6) Finally makes repairing docks worth while. The creative mode repair option in the ship building menu is already crazy OP. 7) Buff passive repair as well as create some passive repair module upgrades. (to Balance this out you can make it so passive repair does not happen if the ships been attack for the last 60 seconds, etc if you are worried their repair skills might be that faster then NPC's can damage.
  21. and this entire time people told me they were stuck ;)
  22. Some good news Koonschi found at least one server performance issue that will be fixed sometime :) So that might help some of our lag issues.
  23. I would not mind my own info like speed and such just showing on the left or right side of the bottom bars for example. Also there is lot of space under the sector name for a few things as well as left or right side of the top bar.
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