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  1. Clever solution for a pretty frustrating problem. Thanks.
  2. Sorry! Should've put some up already. I'm indisposed all day today so I'll try to get some up tonight!
  3. This mod adds indicator arrows around your ship to show you when other players are in the same sector. https://github.com/FederationOfEngineers/HighlitePlayers/releases/tag/1.01 http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/91597771042645839/01898D444C44733AA097B2BF9F6A88BD194E69F1/ http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/91597771042645568/3B1DB5BA8FDA8FE7D0657B7CDBB932D0D006097B/ http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/91597771042645171/A9A9BF23192E6F7ABEA6C0EB556984B2152DD997/ I fixed an issue where ships were only showing up while you were in the mining drone. Now all ships will show up, but so will the ship you're flying.
  4. Not completely sure what you're going for, but you could change addAbsoluteBias(StatsBonuses.Velocity, 10000000.0) Into addBaseMultiplier(StatsBonuses.Acceleration, YourNewAccelerationMultiple) Again, not 100% what you're going for, but that would affect your acceleration or 'thrust'.
  5. Hi everyone! For the past couple of days I've been working on a more RP friendly solution to the setHomeSector functionality I wrote and here is what I came up with. This release includes a new faction and station. Faction: The Federation of Engineers own clone banks across all colonies of the galaxy where you can purchase your very own clone. As you venture further into the galaxy and the dangers become more real, clones become more expensive. If you increase your relationship with the Federation they may even give you a clone for free. Of course as clones become more expensive you will be required to have a better relationship with the Federation in order for them to gift you a clone. Because of cloning limitations you will only be able to have one clone active at a time. *cough cough* The future vision of this mod will be able to support multiple clones. The pre-release of the mod can be found here: https://github.com/FederationOfEngineers/FederationFaction/releases/tag/v1.0.0-alpha Shout out to Kane Hart and Theoman02 is in the pre-release page. Looking for feedback and ideas to expand the mod. Feel free to reach out to me or Furyan.
  6. Just took a quick look, but it seems like you create the window using the ScriptUI. Then create a container and add UI elements to the container. Then register the window? I'll test some stuff out tonight and see if I can get a window popping up with a textbox and some other stuff. I imagine at this time there isn't a 'simple' way of handling these functions, but I could see a lot of use out of a factory pattern to pop out some often used window configurations.
  7. Sounds good. There is a modification to the server.lua script, which I imagine would be a high conflict area. The mod sets the players home location to the previous sector when leaving a sector. That way you're not spawned 200 sectors back to your original home sector when you die. scripts.zip
  8. Wrote a simple mod for our personal server that I would like to share. Is there a convention where we want to host these scripts? Also, is there a convention behind created scripts to reduce conflicts between mods or is this something that's too much in infancy? [move]This is my first foray into Lua and I'm not sure how to proceed. Marquees?[/move] edit: added zip attachment scripts.zip
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