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Everything posted by 3lex

  1. And... wait, you know alrdy what i'm going to ask? Even me has no idea what will jump into my mind next! :o uhm sry for that mistake/bad english. was thinking of the question in the post "none block option", i quoted next to that - not all questions that possibly come up. "near future" should refer to the tool update/implementation of the preview thingy.
  2. sure ;) i'm wrapping my mind aroud a visual ship preview implementation, besides usability tweaks. could also be a problemsolver for your next question in near future. deleting blocks has a high risk of deleting more blocks than intended, so i decided not implement it. of course i could give a warning "you are deleting more blocks" and add a list of blocks with id's and types, but i thought this still won't be enough reference to know which blocks exactly are going to be affected (especially for really big ships). But as mentioned earlier i think of a visual ship display, that could serve the desired information. thanks a lot - i appreciate that =)
  3. all righty. i already thought maybee too confusing. i'll add some more notes on that true. i didn't find the game file containing the color code list so far.. i'm sure it is hiding somehwere, but.. ??? if someone has a hint or point me the right direction i'd appreciate that. sadly this is an automatic bitbucket thing. fastest way to update would be using "git" i guess (if its already installed). otherwise i could imagine saving just the content of that folder as a maybefix for that specific problem..? noice 8) and btw: thnx again for testing ;D
  4. Requests implemented. 8) Any errors, help, additional requests? Just let me know.. Update Update v0.8 - added feature: colorize part - added feature: convert part to other part - fixed some css - removed 1990 design & added hint of 2010
  5. nice, thnx =) sure 8) i already thought about that, but tried to avoid endless dropdown lists for each block. i'll wrap my head around a neat solution
  6. quick answer: yes 8) every player has their own color palette, like rinart73 pointed out correctly. but there is no check as the game loads the xml file. therefore it is possible to set any color value you like, even colors you did't found so far and even colors that don't exist in the game palette. avorion is using its own color codes emerging from hex color values adding something like a glow/shiny value. #Glow-Red-Green-Blue e.g. #FFFF2626 == avorion red that would make browser preview color feel little bit offset to the correct ingame color, because it will differ depending on light setup ingame. as long this little bit of offset is acceptable i'll take a look at adding a color feature.
  7. index.htm file was still pointing to a compressed version. sry for that - hotfix is up. thanks for your patience! thanks a lot for testing, checking and your effort! i thought i got rid of all minified parts, but obviously didnt double check the dependency call to avtool.js :-[ the file hotfix i called a touch earlier to skip the whole filereading process, if no file was selected. material counter also should refresh accordingly in that case.
  8. ha!! nice - many thnx! *updated* please check the updated version. problem should be solved. note: i removed the compressed version so far, so please make sure you are not missing any dependencies. quick and quite easy way is on the left panel Downloads > Download Repository. please let me know if problem persists. and btw: niice ship design @Fox
  9. not ultra fancy, but maybee some time save for someone else. Description upgrade and/or colorize your ship the lazy way instead of notepad++ search and destroy feature. Import your Ship.xml file and tweak a bunch of parts, grouped by type and material. Change material type, give it another color or even change a group of blocks to another part type. No more worries to forget a single thruster block to upgrade. No more find and click tiny pieces to attach a certain color. works for beta 0.11 r7857 builds (hopefully ;)) Installation Download from Source https://bitbucket.org/3lex/avorion-shiptool/src Download Packed https://bitbucket.org/3lex/avorion-shiptool/downloads/?tab=tags History Update v0.8 - added feature: colorize part - added feature: convert part to other part - fixed some css - removed 1990 design & added hint of 2010 Update v0.7 - hotfix: fixed if no file was selected for input throws error - fixed some css
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