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Everything posted by EyeDeck

  1. Here's a quick one-line fix for claimable asteroids. Find this code: for _, a in pairs(mineables) do if a.type == EntityType.Asteroid then dist = distance2(a.translationf, ship.translationf) Don't confuse this with the first occurrence of if a.type == EntityType.Asteroid then since this line comes up twice, the first for resource asteroids (irrelevant here) and the second for generic asteroids, which is the one we want to modify. Replace the middle line with: if a.type == EntityType.Asteroid and not a:hasScript("entity/claim.lua") then Anyway, there might be a more performant way to do the same check, but it's good enough for me.
  2. On version Beta 0.19 r12825. The fifth Xsotan artifact accidentally uses the wrong modifier for the jump range attribute, multiplying it by 3 instead of adding 3. While this bonus is nice, obviously it is not intended to be this high. In \data\scripts\systems\teleporterkey5.lua, line 49: addBaseMultiplier(StatsBonuses.HyperspaceReach, hsReach) should be addAbsoluteBias(StatsBonuses.HyperspaceReach, hsReach)
  3. Disregard that; I spent the time to debug this properly and found that the note about "There is an issue in the installation instructions of ShipScriptLoader." etc is incorrect, at least for my installation, and that the correct lines to add to server.lua are the ones provided by the author of ShipScriptLoader: local s, b = pcall(require, 'mods/ShipScriptLoader/scripts/server/server') if s then if b.onPlayerLogIn then local a = onPlayerLogIn; onPlayerLogIn = function(c) a(c); b.onPlayerLogIn(c); end end end With the extra "Avorion/" appended to the beginning of the argument passed to require(), the pcall fails and so ShipScriptLoader does not load, which of course means that the retroactive script loader does not run.
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