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Everything posted by GaryP

  1. I have a batch program for all my games that I use to back them up. This works on any game and it's super easy to set up. I wrote this years ago and I still use it. If you do something stupid in the game, or something goes horribly wrong, you can always load the last save. First there's my batch command file: For /f "tokens=2-4 delims=/ " %%a in ('date /t') do (set mydate=%%c-%%a-%%b) For /f "tokens=1-3 delims=/:/ " %%a in ('time /t') do (set mytime=%%a-%%b-%%c) set mytime=%mytime: =% rem echo %mydate%_%mytime% XCopy %1 %2_%mydate%_%mytime% /E/H/I I made a text file and renamed it to BackupSaveFile.bat and I placed the code above into it. Then I copied the bat file to the Roaming folder just outside of the Avorion folder. Next I created a shortcut on my desktop to call this this bat file. Set it up like this: Target: C:\Users\Gary\AppData\Roaming\BackupSaveFile.bat "C:\Users\Gary\AppData\Roaming\Avorion\*.*" "D:\Avorion\Saved Games\SaveGame" Start in: C:\Users\Gary\AppData\Roaming The target calls BackupSaveFile.bat and passes it 2 parameters; (1) where to find the game files, and (2) where to copy them to. In my case "C:\Users\Gary\AppData\Roaming\Avorion\*.*" is the game location. (Don't forget the quotes). And I have a folder on my D drive, but you can make one anywhere. I called mine SaveGame, and I placed it in a folder called Avorion on my D drive. You can also make a folder in your My Documents called Avorion Saves, and use that. Don't forget to change the path in the shortcut. What this does is make a bunch of files appended with time date so you can go back to any point. Example: SaveGame_2017-06-30_01-46-PM SaveGame_2017-06-30_09-48-AM SaveGame_2017-07-01_02-06-PM These are not zipped, so if you need to, you can copy the last save over the current one and all is good. I can use this for all my games and all I need is a separate shortcut for each game. I hope this helps someone.
  2. Sorry to resurrect an old post but I came across this sector too. I purchased a license and started to work on the wrecks but each time I did I lost credibility (friendly) with the church faction that I've been trading with. Any ideas why? Also, when I salvage a wreck I get upgrades, but I know when I look that I'm missing some.
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