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Everything posted by Quellcrest

  1. 2, 5 and 7 are blank. You forgot to fix the tooltip section :)
  2. Even if found stuff was superior, it's inconsistent. The odds of you ever finding like, 10 mining turrets of sufficient damage/efficiency/range/whatever, are VERY SLIM. When you find a turret factory, you can just get the materials and then presto, a dozen turrets.
  3. sure, just need to figure out how to do this xD On windows: %appdata%\Avorion\Ships ie: C:\Users\UserNameGoesHere\AppData\Roaming\Avorion\ships
  4. I have a programmable keyboard and made 1 key spam the click button insanely fast. Works well for transferring tons of stuff.
  5. You may not have found a true black yet. Either that or the gamma needs adjusting. What specific dark color are you using? Dark Grey apparently, thought it was black. My bad.
  6. How did you get the black blocks so...black? When I try to spray mine black, most just get darker a few shades rather than get really dark.
  7. I just made a second ship, consisting of a huge cargo bay and a few crew to keep it from falling apart.
  8. The smuggler quest giver npcs are available at all smuggling stations, which are available randomly at yellow/gold map blips.
  9. I hadn't actually considered this at all. It didn't occur to me that research stations might have their own "level" so to speak and that it would affect the outcome. I think this is right. I started a new creative mode game and gave myself a bunch of legendary tech 100 turrets and went to the first research station I could find. Everytime, they came out level 7 tech. I jumped into a closer to the center sector and found another research station. They came out level 19, every time. So it's either a random tech level per station or the closer to the center the better?
  10. In your cargo bay, hover over your contents. You get a description and also sometimes a label like 'Dangerous' or 'Illegal'. Edit: Full list can be found here
  11. If you've never used it before, those consume energy weapons are insane btw. You can have the hugest batteries and generators and they will drain your ship dry in like 3 seconds. Makes it almost useless imo.
  12. I hauled ass. Bought all the stuff, warped into the turret building sector, and went full blast at the factory. Got there, built my 20 something turrets really quickly and warped the hell out. Only took a minor hit to relations, like -5k or something. But since I was already at max, no biggie.
  13. I edited the turretfactory.lua file to increase the efficiency on salvage lasers. Ended up with some at 80%. Anyways, I then completely salvaged a giant 7million trinium ship. Ended up with under 2million trinium. Not exactly 80%...
  14. I imagine making cloaking useful is going to be difficult. The only use of a cloak, would be the aspect of surprise. So, you'd likely need something with insane burst damage that can only work close range, in order to make cloaks useful. Other wise you're at like, point blank range and all you did was drain system power and put your weapons on cooldown.
  15. Damage to player ship. http://wiki.avorion.net/index.php?title=Version_History Increased damage of AI ships to player In percent of actual damage capable Beginner: Remains at 2.5% Easy: From 5% to 7.5% Normal: From 10% to 20% Veteran: From 20% to 40% Difficult: From 40% to 60% Hard: From 75% to 80% Insane: Remains at 100% damage
  16. Currently, no. But you could use a mod and cheat yourself some stuff?
  17. Was the hangar for me. Very odd. I wasn't even using them for hangars, just liked the look :P
  18. The image should be pretty clear.
  19. The object detector is strange. I've noticed when I tried it, that I get the alert "valuable object found", just after I engage hyperspace but before the loading screen. After the new sector loads, the alert is gone...makes it very easy to miss. That being said, it does highlight things like secret stashes for me just fine.
  20. I haven't tried it yet, but I've seen ship wrecks in random sectors that are like 9 million trinium. If you had decent salvage lasers, you could rack in millions from just 1 find. Might be a better resource/hour rate.
  21. That's basically what Im trying to do, with the small problem of not being able to find any god damn Conductors. Ah, I know that pain! I spent hours going around sectors trying to find a place that sold them, There are conductor factories, have faith! Make sure you check trading posts too, though i'm sure you probably are already. I make it habit now every time I visit a new place to put a note on the map if i find anything of interest in a trading post. That's exactly what I do. I have notes all over the place for every station that makes mining/salvage lasers. I have multiples, I have like 20 steel factories, of every one...and 0 conductors. >:(
  22. That's basically what Im trying to do, with the small problem of not being able to find any god damn Conductors.
  23. They were broken off and unfortunately, dont yet regrow over time. Theres a mod that allows for docking at a station when further away, it might allow for docking when the docking clamps are gone too.
  24. I had 2 crashes on an older version, very stable since the last patch for me. As for systems, you can download a mod from the modding section that allows for chat commands to give systems.
  25. I looked in the clearsector.lua script, no mention of relation changes. Also, I've done a handful of them and no relation changes.
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