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Everything posted by Devious

  1. Devious

    Att Devs

    I have the same errors, do you want me to send the logs as well?
  2. Whenever something is being broadcasted to the console, everything that is being typed into the console command line is being merged with the previous message. This forces the user of the console to type the command before a new broadcast is made to the console, which can be difficult on server with high population. How to reproduce: - Have server running on Windows on beta-branch. - Try to enter a command in the console while output is being broadcasted into the console. - You will notice the command is merged with the broadcasted text, and you will have to re-enter the command in time before a new broadcast is made to the console.
  3. Nice, this will help a lot with finding the bosses :)
  4. Probably not intentional, I went in creative and started messing around with my regular ship. Turned out to go from 8 to 9 module slots I would have to add a computer core 3 times the size of my actual ship. The cost for that in xanion or trinium is unbearable in vanilla singleplayer, making it only viable to use on tiny ships without mass.
  5. It would perhaps be a nice suggestion for upgrades to override damaged blocks but that would indeed be something for the future. One thing you could do before repairing your ship is to wait for your mechanics to fix most of the damage. This significantly decreases the cost of the repair since you only have to pay for the destroyed blocks instead of all blocks that received a bit of damage.
  6. Will be looking forward to your fix :)
  7. Does he have a real GPU besides the IntelHD graphics? The game works a lot better when you force it to use the GPU. Otherwise he might want to try updating his drivers.
  8. Updated the server to the current Beta version, make sure to enable this in Steam properties or you won't be able to connect. Don't forget to download and install v1.4 of the modpack as well to prevent issues :)
  9. Would indeed be nice if those gems of old stations hovering in space with millions or resources in them wouldn't despawn, but other wreckage without any resources in them would despawn over time. That would pretty much solve the entity issue and also make salvaging wrecks a little more rewarding. Right now you are lucky to salvage a few thousand after fighting off the NPC's spawning in the sector.
  10. As title says, other players ping show as 0 after turning on Steam authentication, not even for admins. How to reproduce: - Make a server - Don't use Steam authentication - Press F1 and see other players their ping - Turn on Steam authentication - Press F1 and see other players having 0 ping.
  11. Are you sure you are using Steam authentication on your server? The standard TCP/UDP protocol is faulty, causing super high ping for random players while they have good connection. Without that there isn't really a need to kick/ban players with pings below 200-300, except if your server is crap ofcourse that is.
  12. Are you sure your PC is forcing your graphics card on the game? By default the game uses IntelHD graphics instead of a GPU.
  13. Thank you for making this, it seems to be running fine on our server :) Looking forward to gates being added!
  14. IF you were asked to overwrite a few files when installing the modpack then you probably did everything right. I have send you a message on Discord, hopefully your logs can tell us more! Edit: Tracked down the problem and there was a script missing on the client which could cause a crash, this script is now included in version 1.4. Rusty_Client_Mods_v_1_4.zip
  15. In addition to Laserzwei's post: if (onServer) then This was causing some errors with initialising calls, which dissapeared after applying this code: if (onServer()) then After making this change somehow the gambling UI got a little messed up, as you can see in the screenshot below: I also noticed that the turrets and upgrades don't really scale with the price it costs, while being in Xanion regions it charges more than 100k while only rewarding uncommon items, some of them even being iron.
  16. Thank you for making this, haven't been able to fully test it but have installed it on our server :)
  17. Is the command working for an admin? After placing the scripts in the right directory and it doesn't give an error in the logs it should work for admins. To give the command to players you have to give them permission to use the command by adding this to the default group: <command name="sethome"/>.
  18. This would be so useful, keeping up a spreadsheet kind of destroys my fun of trading since it's so tedious.
  19. Most gamehosting companies require you to acces the files through FTP, after quickly looking at their website I found an article in their knowledge-base which might help you accessing the server files. Not sure if that brings you any further because it requires me to login but worth the try: https://www.citadelservers.com/client/knowledgebase/2/How-to-Install-or-Set-up-FTP--UploadingorDownloading-Files-on-the-Server.html
  20. It would be so useful if we would be able to search or filter specific types of stations and highlight them on the map, this would also give the feature of adding a note to a sector more use since you would be able to use that better for trading. The only way to keep track of stations and trade-routes efficiently now is to make a tedious spreadsheet, which is consuming a lot of time I'd rather spend on playing the game and building our empire.
  21. Thank you for the kind words :) I think we have traced back the cause of the issues now. !!!To make sure everything is working correctly, validate your gamecache before installing this new modpack!!! You can do so by rightclicking on Avorion in the Steam library > properties > local files and there you will find the option to validate your game cache. After you are done you will find the scripts folder when you click on "Open local files", move everything in the scripts folder of the modpack to the scripts folder of the game, and let it overwrite the files who are the same. If you are playing on other servers with mods installed, contact me so we can go over your other mod files and make sure everything is configured correctly to work together ;) Rusty_Client_Mods_v_1_3.zip
  22. Nope, there are stations that produce carbon but none produce coal, same for crude oil and gems. The way the game works now this might indeed become problematic, especially on crowded multiplayer servers where a lot of players rely on trading as their main source of income since it's very overpowered at the moment. Why waste so much time making your money another way when you can go from 10k to 500m in an hour?
  23. I found that when you order them to guard the sector they will attack pirates that are somewhat close, but when the ship is at the other side of the system he won't go to the pirates. If you want to defend a spot from pirates you best use "Guard this position", this won't make them fly towards them but when the ship sees another enemy he will position himself towards the enemy and start shooting. Attack enemies only seems to work on the current enemies in the sector but I haven't been able to fully test that.
  24. I agree, especially with Body Armors players are able to make ridiculous amounts of money, often in the same system as well. Had players going from 100k to 2 billion in a day because of it.
  25. A few other mods don't take in account that other mods might edit the same files, as you can see the developer of this mod made sure that wouldn't be the problem by letting you add the code yourself to the original gamefiles ;) Good luck with drag dropping every mod you see without checking which files they might overwrite and which other mods might be using the same files lol.
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