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  1. And by "they don't become hostile unless you discharge a weapon"... Xsotan count mining and salvage lasers as "weapons"...
  2. Well, insane difficulty only increases npc damage delt to your ship, it doesn't give the enemies damage reduction to your turrets or anything...
  3. What is the difference between the F2 control modes?
  4. This is one of the more reasonable answers to the problem ive seen. Since there aren't many wrecks that are super large making them stay spawned longer wouldn't have lag associated and would solve the problem entirely. I hope Sir Koonshi considers this.
  5. Do you mean 10 meters long, or 10 cubic meters volume? Because I thought in the post koonshi said it was 10 cubic meters volume for a 1x1x1 block, which would make the individual dimensions about 2.1544 meters. If I am mistaken and he meant that the blocks are 10 meters long, then I'd have to rethink some of my designs (100 unit long ships would be closer to a km long instead of 215.44 meters).
  6. Platinum shouldn't show up on the list of ores with iron...
  7. Is there a reason why station "wreckage" that is in an "unknown mass signature" (yellow dot on map) system should despawn in 30 minutes from a gameplay point of view? It's quite annoying to get into system, see a station wreck spawned by default with 4 million trinium in it (in a region of space that doesnt even have xanion asteroid spawns yet) only to get bombarded by a constant stream of pirate and alien attacks and have the station despawn on you after only salvaging 4 of its blocks off of it while you're salvaging a 5th block. Maybe we can have a system like "salvaging lasers reset the despawn time of wreckage you're salvaging" instead of "lol millions of minerals just disappeared right in front of you while you're salvaging it."
  8. I actually have yet to see an NPC ship made using armor blocks. You can tell it's an armor block when it has that camo pattern on it. From what I've seen NPCs always have that flat hull plating. I know about the common pattern on armor blocks and those are exactly what I'm referring to having salvaged. Ever since I started seeing npc ships with titanium power core blocks I have always seen thIn armor blocks of the same material protecting it.
  9. I wouldn't be able to transform a crew quarter into a nap items armor block, because at least in my client the armor blocks etc does not exist for me in naonite, the base armor block nor the armor corners or armor slope exist I'm my building mode, but I've seen enemy ships with them. He meant Naonite hull. Naonite doesn't come in armor blocks. Thank you, I thought I was missing something. But then why do enemy ships have naonite armor blocks on them? I've salvaged blocks that are clearly armor blocks and received naonite from them.
  10. Now, after the recent patch, integrity field just makes all blocks in it 10 times more durable than normal without effecting the hp loss of the ship in any way.
  11. Yes you can, but only one by one. Select the block with the new material. Then "Transform block tool" and click at the block you want transform. But careful, you basicly could transform your Tritanium crew quarter into a Naonite armor. I wouldn't be able to transform a crew quarter into a nap items armor block, because at least in my client the armor blocks etc does not exist for me in naonite, the base armor block nor the armor corners or armor slope exist I'm my building mode, but I've seen enemy ships with them.
  12. Pressing P still brings up the ship tab while in build mode. That is the only way currently to see the stats of any mounted turret, regardless of build mode or not.
  13. Integrity field generators no longer make your blocks indestructible as you said. It spreads damage until the block takes 10x its normal hp in damage, then it explodes. Also, I never had problems with small debris at all (my ships are combat vessel designs so far, so parts of the ship that could hit something all have integrity fielded armor blocks of titanium or better...)
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