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Everything posted by Phantomal

  1. Hey Hammelpilaw, im trying my own modifications, but i really don't understand how it's exactly calculating the time interval for the events. When i looked into your lines, my guess has been that the first line trigger every 50 - 100 Minutes and the second line every 1 to 6 hours. But after your explanation iam wrong. And i do not understand what the "to" parameter does. Can you please explain it to me, would be very nice, since i want to create some events too. Thank you in advance :) EDIT: Seems i got it: It's the combination of schedule and minimum value. So if Minimum = 6 * 60 * 60 it means minimum is 6 hours. And then it adds between 1 * 60 * 60 and 6 * 60 * 60 to the minimum value which thenis 6 to 12 hours. I hope i got it right now. But i still don't know what the "to" parameter does. Second EDIT: Could it be that the "to" parameter defines the distance from the core? So "to=300" would mean that the event only runs if you're <=300 sectors from core? Phanti
  2. Perhaps you can add a config for the modification i did, so other players can configure the size of the roids easily? Like a factor, and use that factor for size of the field (ensure enough space between roids), min size and max size of the roids.
  3. First: Happy new Year 8) Second: Sorry Mate. I found another Bug in 1.4.5: The following Section exists twice in /mods/RegenerativeAsteroids/scripts/sector/RegenerativeAsteroidsScript.lua. The result is, that when a player jumps into the system, or you use the "regen now" command, the Field is generated twice ::) [pre] if CurrentMinableAsteroids < MaxMinable then local AsteroidsToGenerate = MaxMinable - CurrentMinableAsteroids local generator = SectorGenerator(Sector:getCoordinates()) local size = getFloat(0.5, 1.0) local asteroid = generator:createAsteroidFieldEx(AsteroidsToGenerate * 2,1800 * size, 5.0, 25.0, 1, 0.5) Placer.resolveIntersections() RegenerativeAsteroidsScript.print("Created "..MaxMinable.." Minable Asteroids in sector ",xy,logLevels.info) end [/pre] For everyone else, who want to have bigger Asteroids in a regenerative System, without having to install a second mod. Just replace the Block above with the following: :) if CurrentMinableAsteroids < MaxMinable then local AsteroidsToGenerate = MaxMinable - CurrentMinableAsteroids local generator = SectorGenerator(Sector:getCoordinates()) local size = getFloat(0.5, 1.0) local asteroid = generator:createAsteroidFieldEx(AsteroidsToGenerate * 2,3600 * size, 5.0, 50.0, 1, 0.5) Placer.resolveIntersections() RegenerativeAsteroidsScript.print("Created "..MaxMinable.." Minable Asteroids in sector ",xy,logLevels.info) end I marked the only line which is modified. Currently testing the setting on my server. Everything seems to run fine.
  4. Good Morning (at least its morning here ;)), it seems i found another 2 things: 1. Even when i disabled MaintainNaturalAsteroidLimit (set to false in config), newly discovered regenerative sectors are maintaining it: [pre] [iNFO] [RegenerativeAsteroids][1.4.5] Using MaintainNaturalAsteroidLimit: 111, for sector \s(-191, 85) (If you wany yo force this region to have more manual set that limit with /regen set x) [/pre] 2. Not sure it's a Bug: When enabling the Serverwide Message, only the Player who discovered the sector is getting it. (But maybe thats wanted behavior, so not sure) Greetings, Phanti
  5. You're welcome. Me any my friends love your mod and so iam glad i could help to improve it :)
  6. I did. The mod worked flawlessly in version 1.4.3 and stopped working in 1.4.5. I did some research and found the problem: mods/RegenerativeAsteroids/scripts/sector/RegenerativeAsteroidsScript.lua: Version 1.4.3: [pre] require("PrintLog") local logLevels = require("LogLevels") [/pre] Original version 1.4.5: [pre] local logLevels = require("PrintLog") [/pre] i changed it back to the lines from 1.4.3 and now it works fine. Seems you have to implement another Hotfix ;) [pre] [iNFO] [RegenerativeAsteroids][1.4.5] Created 129 Minable Asteroids in sector \s(-159, 62) [iNFO] [RegenerativeAsteroids][1.4.5] Created 129 Minable Asteroids in sector \s(-159, 62) [iNFO] [RegenerativeAsteroids][1.4.5] Removed 1975 excess Non-Minable Asteroids in sector \s(-159, 62) [iNFO] [RegenerativeAsteroids][1.4.5] Force Regenerating Asteroids for sector [-159, 62] [/pre]
  7. Hey uhm, i just updated and get the following error: Jump in: [pre]could not execute function 'RegenerativeAsteroidsScript.onPlayerEntered' in '"mods/RegenerativeAsteroids/scripts/sector/RegenerativeAsteroidsScript.lua"': ...Asteroids/scripts/sector/RegenerativeAsteroidsScript.lua:97: attempt to index upvalue 'logLevels' (a boolean value) stack traceback: ...Asteroids/scripts/sector/RegenerativeAsteroidsScript.lua:97: in function 'GetNumberMinableAsteroids' ...Asteroids/scripts/sector/RegenerativeAsteroidsScript.lua:129: in function 'RegenerateAsteroids' ...Asteroids/scripts/sector/RegenerativeAsteroidsScript.lua:57: in function <...Asteroids/scripts/sector/RegenerativeAsteroidsScript.lua:35> [/pre] "Regen Now" Command: [pre] could not execute function 'RegenerativeAsteroidsCmd.initialize' in '"mods/RegenerativeAsteroids/scripts/player/RegenerativeAsteroidsCmd.lua"': ...Asteroids/scripts/sector/RegenerativeAsteroidsScript.lua:97: attempt to index upvalue 'logLevels' (a boolean value) stack traceback: ...Asteroids/scripts/sector/RegenerativeAsteroidsScript.lua:97: in function 'GetNumberMinableAsteroids' ...Asteroids/scripts/sector/RegenerativeAsteroidsScript.lua:129: in function 'RegenerateAsteroids' ...iveAsteroids/scripts/player/RegenerativeAsteroidsCmd.lua:47: in function <...iveAsteroids/scripts/player/RegenerativeAsteroidsCmd.lua:18> [/pre]
  8. I can add, that some actions need to be close to a docking port, and other actions need to be close to the station itself. "Trade Goods" neet to be docked "Transfer Crew/Stuff" needs to be 0km from the Station itself. Perhaps its a good idea to streamline it to the same mechanic.
  9. I just tried it in a single player game. You get a "TestStyle" and can create a working Ship now. Will test this on our server soon. But i assume it works the same.
  10. Cool! Thank you very much :) Edit: My "/flushasteroids" script is done too, and in use since short before Christmas. It deletes all non minable Asteroids in a System but leaves the claimable ones as they are (claimable, claimed, sold, and as station). If someone is interested, i can post that aswell.
  11. My Script to delete the "normal" Asteroids via command is nearly finished. My last problem is to detect the claimable ones. (claimed, unclaimed and sold ones. Stations seem to change their entity type and wont get deleted.) After that is finished i have a workaround :)
  12. Thank you. I think in most cases this is ignored. In my case we build 2 stations in a regenerating system and now we're up from ~2000 Asteroids to 4600. I already looking for solutions and found the Wreckage cleanup mod which removed asteroids too. Now iam thinking in building a cleanup command from that mod, so an admin can cleanup the asteroids when they get too many. Or one could add a routine to the Regenerating Mod to cleanup asteroids after the last player is leaving the system. Then it would create them on Playerjoin and delete them on lastplayerquit. Sounds good to me :)
  13. Hey again, it seems i found a bug... sort of... not sure My regenerative sector is increasing in size. The number of not minable asteroids is increasing on every regeneration. So the Sector is growing and growing. I think that will lead to a problem in not too far future...
  14. Heyho, first post in this forum and only to let you know that i installed your mod today and it works very good. So thank you very much :) You asked for wishes, so i have a few ;) 1. It would be cool to have "rich only" sectors. Own propability variable to be able to configure them to be very rare compared to the others. 2. Make the size adjustable (Edit: Im mean the size of the rich roids, to contain more minerals) 3. Special Attack Waves for the Regenerating Sectors. if you implement Point 1, then harder Waves for Rich Regenerative Sectores would be cool too. i think thats it for the moment. Like i said, i just installed it today and i already like it very much :) Greetings, Phantomal
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