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  1. Have you thought about using idle threads to generate sectors earlier? Ideally focusing on the immediate surrounding areas and also those connected by gates. I guess there will be a small memory hit, but I assume afterwards you could just save it to disc.
  2. Ah so its still active sectors are split across the threads (from server.ini) but the server will always use +1 when you calc jump routes.
  3. I use docker alot for other servers, so i thought about creating a docker image for Avorion. You can find the image on docker hub and on github. Links below. Docker hub: https://hub.docker.com/r/psykzz/avorion-docker/ Github: https://github.com/psykzz/avorion-docker If you already know about docker, you can get started with the following one-liner. mkdir ./data && docker run --name avorion -d -v `pwd`/data:/root/.avorion/galaxies/avorion_galaxy -p 27000:27000 -p 27000:27000/udp -p 27003:27003 -p 27003:27003/udp psykzz/avorion-docker
  4. There was mention in the patch notes today, they are planning to add safe zones at some point.
  5. Would it be possible to get a forum for server advertising? Something with some rules that would allow people to create a thread per server and keep that updated, while allowing this one to be one to discuss more general multiplayer topics.
  6. So I've been running a server for the most of today with 4 friends. It seems that each system or at least AI in each system is controlled by each thread. So the more you and your friends spread out the more thread your server is going to require. Something else i noticed however, was that the starter system was quite bad at doing too much and maxing the core it was on. We did stay in the starter system for quite some time before everyone moved on. My question to you is, what no. of threads are you using and what is your experience with using that number?
  7. First step should be to try and remove the custom arguments, and see if that works Things like --use-steam-networking and the custom galaxy name could be the issue. Try again with them as default and see if it works again? (Its a complete stab in the dark, but might as well start somewhere)
  8. IF you followed the wiki for the initial setup, you can do the steamCMD part again to reinstall. In this example I installed the server into /opt/avorion # cd into the directory with steamCMD ./steamcmd.sh +login anonymous \ +force_install_dir /opt/avorion \ +app_update 565060 validate \ +quit
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