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Latest patch wreckage despawn time mechanic woes


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Is there a reason why station "wreckage" that is in an "unknown mass signature" (yellow dot on map) system should despawn in 30 minutes from a gameplay point of view? It's quite annoying to get into system, see a station wreck spawned by default with 4 million trinium in it (in a region of space that doesnt even have xanion asteroid spawns yet) only to get bombarded by a constant stream of pirate and alien attacks and have the station despawn on you after only salvaging 4 of its blocks off of it while you're salvaging a 5th block.


Maybe we can have a system like "salvaging lasers reset the despawn time of wreckage you're salvaging" instead of "lol millions of minerals just disappeared right in front of you while you're salvaging it."

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It feels a bit short to me too. I play on insane, and usually don't have a ton of firepower, so it can take quite a while to clean up pirates. I end up missing out on a lot of modules and resources these days.


The salvaging laser resetting the salvage timer would be great. Also, if it does affect them, then salvage sectors, wether with salvage yards, or the mass signature, should prolly remain untouched

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What if the despawn timer did not start until you logged out/left the sector...


If you have a Hairball fight that takes you 2 hours and everything you killed has de-spawned... that makes the fight not worth it regardless how epic it was...


But if the despawn time (20 minutes?) does not START until the sector has been unloaded/reloaded/left/logged out... 


I'm not sure I'm saying this right.


I kill stuff and it stays as long as I do...


If I log out or leave the sector, that's when the timer effectively begins...


I leave the sector and keep playing, it's obvious I didn't want it, I log off because of life... I have 20 minutes once I log back in to get my stuff collected...

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Although, it should be pointed out, that this was probably done to reduce lag. If you have a massive battle, and then another big fleet loads in, then thes erver has that fleet, plus the wreckage to worry about, and may start to get overloaded.


Ideally, there would be a server config (for both single and multiplayer) that would allow you to change the despawn settings to fit your system. The dev probably just doesn't have enough time to implement it yet is all, and did this to help keep everything running smoothly, until they  have time to get to a better solution.


Though I don't want to speak for them, since I havent been following development closely.


Still, they must be juggling work on a LOT of features right now. Especially with how many suggestions keep flowing in.

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I also REALLY hate this - out of the last five or so times I've played, I have had over 90% of the wrecks I go to despawn before I reach salvage range, or before I take off more than ten blocks.  I actually had to mod attacks to happen 1/10th as often just so I could salvage something before being stuck in another fight and everything going away.


I agree that having an option for the despawn would be helpful, and perhaps have it start with individual blocks or small collections of blocks as well as floating resources, but leave items and larger chunks of ships around longer.

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yep have to agree, as a salvager it's so frustrating to see all the wreck you've fight for just despawn in front of you.

I'm at the point where i don't even want to do yellow mass anymore by fear to find Avorion Station wrecks and just see them depop on me, I would just rage quit the game :D

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I haven't had a chance to salvage wreckages since the last update went public. But I would totally find the behavior described quite frustrating. To have some sort of wreckage cleanup script or routine makes sense if it's going to improve server performance. But I'm a firm believer that wreckages should only be deleted either after all players have left the system (or logged out) or at least after a very long time (as long as players are in the system).


And I also agree that, eventually, there should be a server config to adjust this.

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would be nice if the timer on wrecks was tiered.

wreckages with less than 1000 of x resourse despawn in 15 minutes

wreckages with between 1000 and 40000 of x resource despawn in 45 minutes

wreckages with more than 40000 of x resource dont despawn


map object wrecks that are "just there" but not in scrapyard, no timer until damaged by player.

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would be nice if the timer on wrecks was tiered.

wreckages with less than 1000 of x resourse despawn in 15 minutes

wreckages with between 1000 and 40000 of x resource despawn in 45 minutes

wreckages with more than 40000 of x resource dont despawn


map object wrecks that are "just there" but not in scrapyard, no timer until damaged by player.


This is one of the more reasonable answers to the problem ive seen. Since there aren't many wrecks that are super large making them stay spawned longer wouldn't have lag associated and would solve the problem entirely. I hope Sir Koonshi considers this.

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Would indeed be nice if those gems of old stations hovering in space with millions or resources in them wouldn't despawn, but other wreckage without any resources in them would despawn over time.

That would pretty much solve the entity issue and also make salvaging wrecks a little more rewarding.


Right now you are lucky to salvage a few thousand after fighting off the NPC's spawning in the sector.

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I think the problem is the complexity of the models. You have 30 or 40 complex entities each comprising hundreds of blocks and I can easily see lag problems appear, especially in MP where the server has to communicate all that information to the client, which then has to render it, all for a piece of space junk that no-one cares about. Perhaps wrecks could just decay into generic hunks of space trash after a short while where the models are drawn from a limited pool but the resource value remains?

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I think it is quite easy to make this well. Just reset "despawn timer", whatever, when been salvaged (or damaged).

With this all other wreck would despawn as usually and not causing memory leak or lags, but that entity, that player is salvaging now - won't disappear until it needs to player.

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General bump because I think this should stay on the radar.


Finding a 5mil scrap mega ship, being interrupted 15 seconds in, and then watching it *POOF*...




Items with >10k salvageable materials should not *poof*

Ships with >66% hull integrity should not *poof*

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wreckage despawn time should be simply an option in the settings, like a field where you can type in a number for minutes, where zero would be "never despawn". so slow computers still can profit in performance from a low despawn time and people with good machines can have the full glory of all the space junk :D

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