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Blender -> avorion converter



Hi all I noticed a need, blender has some very nifty features like shrink wrap for point clouds (automatically create armour), all the fancy model editing tricks, and generally wizardry for ship designs.


What we need is:

A) extract point cloud from xml(easy to do)


Would allow us to export point clouds to blender(or any other software) for editing there.


B)Blender-> avorion converter

To put the armour skin back on to our ships


1. Get outer points from blender(this can be done in blender)

2. Generate a layer of blocks(triangle) to give outer skin

3. Generate second layer of blocks(cubes) under triangles to support the structure

4. ????

5. Profit


That shoul give a solid layer of armour automagically for any design just using the outer edge block vertex to generate a nice smooth hull.


Someone better at code then me, GO!

I can make (A) but my skill at programming is not yet up to the task of (B)


With the ability to xml edit it would let us make ships in 2parts, outer hull and internals, then merge the seperate blueprints (something I already do) and that streamlines building ships significantly.


I'm actually in love with the potential of this format of ship design, open xml files and minor block overlap alow you to skip all the tedious bits involved in building ships seen in other games.


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4 answers to this suggestion

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This could be cool, the longest part of ship building is making it look cool and this could definitely speed up that process.

However does this only create convex shapes? If so, it would be useful in creating shields but you could not make cool shapes with peripheral. Unless you can choose to do it on a sub section of the ship

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