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Xsotan Reunion


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Ok, don't get me wrong, I love my alien brothers, sisters and the occasional its... At least to a small extent in that they give me a constant supply of targets. However, I do object (not that it did any good) strenuously when the Xsotan decide to have a Class of "00057" reunion in the center of my local Salvage Yard. I mean really, twenty-three ships and counting is a little bit much. That fact that they are patiently all waiting for some unsuspecting fool (read me) to jump into the system so they can play "whack a mole" with me is... Uh... Frustrating to say the least.


So serious question is, how long do these guys take to break up the party and all go back to their respective homes? I am in my drone, cannot get to a gate without getting the crap beat out of me and I used the wonderful mod "/sethome to do just that. Here, at the party...


Any suggestions are appreciated...  ;)


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1. They only turn aggresive if you shot a weapon while they are in the system.

2. At least for me they go neutral again if i restart the game.


Restart Avorion, leave the system, and only go there again if you can defeat them (maybe they leave after a while?).

(it's worth a try)



You might as well fly far away and just jump with your drone, you don't need a gate to leave.

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