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Steam still reports old version


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Its been about 14 hours since the latest beta release, however steam continues to report an outdated version for the server tool.


Any idea if this is intentional, or if i'm querying for the wrong AppID.

./steamcmd.sh +login anonymous +force_install_dir ./avorion/ +app_info_update 1 +app_info_print 565060 +quit
Redirecting stderr to '/home/steam/Steam/logs/stderr.txt'
[  0%] Checking for available updates...
[----] Verifying installation...
Steam Console Client (c) Valve Corporation
-- type 'quit' to exit --
Loading Steam API...OK.

Connecting anonymously to Steam Public...Logged in OK
Waiting for user info...OK
AppID : 565060, change number : 2926373/4294967295, token 0, last change : Sun Apr 30 11:23:07 2017
	"name"		"Avorion Dedicated Server"
	"type"		"Tool"
	"parent"		"445220"
	"ReleaseState"		"released"
	"oslist"		"windows,linux"
	"osarch"		"64"
	"clienticon"		"f365d6c1f2d6fc314ef9b3368f6a5b5a5972610a"
	"clienttga"		"712cee76ede4346becb0c5acf4aaebfce7afff43"
	"icon"		"30fa535bacafe4af9f0a3ad0bc18f0112b66652f"
	"linuxclienticon"		"afca031a7cbbf879a08ecdc5a4ea576876573cd7"
	"logo"		"fab88d5bee7f1e60aa886885e37f345d9c794cd6"
	"logo_small"		"fab88d5bee7f1e60aa886885e37f345d9c794cd6_thumb"
	"gameid"		"565060"
	"installdir"		"AvorionServer"
			"executable"		"bin/ServerRunner.exe"
			"type"		"default"
				"oslist"		"windows"
				"osarch"		"64"
			"executable"		"bin/ServerRunner"
			"type"		"default"
				"oslist"		"linux"
				"osarch"		"64"
		"name"		"Steamworks SDK Redist (WIN32)"
			"oslist"		"windows"
			"public"		"5824250741201241164"
		"maxsize"		"25793504"
		"depotfromapp"		"1007"
		"name"		"Steamworks SDK Redist (OSX32)"
			"oslist"		"macos"
			"public"		"2135359612286175146"
		"depotfromapp"		"1007"
		"name"		"Steamworks SDK Redist (LINUX32)"
			"oslist"		"linux"
			"public"		"4340969341640026639"
		"maxsize"		"40726448"
		"depotfromapp"		"1007"
		"name"		"Server Content"
			"public"		"6205424563608305459"
			"previous"		"2633437459276902184"
		"maxsize"		"2816439"
		"name"		"Avorion Dedicated Server Windows Content"
			"oslist"		"windows"
			"osarch"		"64"
			"public"		"2062543582903963033"
			"previous"		"4501548106203192845"
		"maxsize"		"40600208"
		"name"		"Avorion Dedicated Server Linux Content"
			"oslist"		"linux"
			"osarch"		"64"
			"public"		"3774006032575811805"
			"previous"		"8382588954489736861"
		"maxsize"		"22059967"
	"baselanguages"		"english"
			"buildid"		"1720623"
			"timeupdated"		"1490724643"
			"buildid"		"1720623"
			"description"		"Newest Changes, Beta"
			"timeupdated"		"1490724627"
			"buildid"		"1720623"
			"description"		""
			"pwdrequired"		"1"
			"timeupdated"		"1490724657"
			"buildid"		"1703199"
			"description"		"The build of the previous version"
			"timeupdated"		"1490638290"




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I don't know if your problem still excists but we were able to update our server the moment the patch came out, are you sure you use the startup parameter -beta beta ?


As of this moment, steam is still reporting the old version is the latest available for beta:

			"buildid"		"1720623"
			"timeupdated"		"1490724643"
			"buildid"		"1720623"
			"description"		"Newest Changes, Beta"
			"timeupdated"		"1490724627"

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