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The Avorion Survival Guide - Complete Beginner's Guide Series


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G'day guys, ZiggyD here & welcome to Avorion if you are new! Just be forewarned, this game will eat your time like none other, in my first week with the game I had already clocked 70 hours or so, and it just keeps going up from there!


I noticed a real lack of solid beginner guides on YouTube and in general, and there is a lot the game doesn't tell you that can make your experience deeper and more enjoyable. Having seen some of the amazing guides the X2/X3 community has made for their games I felt inspired to chip in to help people out here.


As such, welcome to the Avorion Sruvival guide! This guide will cover everything I feel a beginner needs to know to get really hooked into what they can do in Avorion, from getting started, to first ship building, advanced building tips, mining, salvaging, trading, exploring and so on. This game is quite the sandbox but I think I've found a way of having a nice natural progression while covering the different areas of the game.


If you'd like an overview of what the game has to offer before diving into the guides then check out



If you have any feedback or suggestions I'd love to hear them below! I'm a video maker, so these will be video guides & not written ones, but I will provide a summary of what's in each episode.


Part 1 - Getting Started & Building Your First Ship

  • Creating a Game
  • UI & Navigation Basics
  • Obtaining Iron
  • Building Your First Ship
    • Thruster Mechanics
    • Gyro Mechanics
    • Inertia Dampeners





Part 2 - Making Some Starting Credits & Finding Titanium

  • Scavenging Battlefields for drops and materials
  • Defending friendly factions from Pirate & Xsotan attacks
  • Selling Asteroids
  • Selling Materials
  • Selling Cargo from destroyed ships
  • Getting Systems & Turrets as Loot & What to Sell
  • General opportunistic money making opportunities!





Part 3 - Upgrading with Titanium - Energy Generators & Integrity Fields

  • Boosting Your Available Energy with Generators
  • Stop Your Ship from falling apart with Integrity Fields
  • Weight & Properties of Material Upgrades
  • An introduction to the concepts of iterative upgrades on your ships





Part 4 - TRADING - How to Get Rich Playing Space Trucker

  • Trading from Scratch without Imrpoved Trading Systems
  • Utilizing Improved Trading Systems & Using the Trade UI
  • Showing the Actual Process of Trading
  • How to find the most profitable Trade opportunities





Part 5 - NAONITE & Salvage - Scrapyards

  • Exploring in towards the center of the galaxy
  • Locating Naonite
  • Upgrading with shields
  • salvaging materials, weapons and systems in a scrapyard





Coming Soon

Building a Combat Frigate Ship (Your First Big Ship Upgrade)


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The videos are great but here is my honest opinion:


If u wanna make guides for people then make guides. Not these 45min long gameplay videos which most people wont click on that are looking for guides.


A fair criticism if you were looking for shorter, focused guides. I determined that given the nature of the game that a more detailed walkthrough series would be more helpful. Response so far has been excellent.


It's often a tough choice when deciding to cover a game whether you go for the short focused guides approach vs the walkthrough approach. For Avorion I thought it'd be important to a) show the process in a detailed fashion, & b) create a running thread that links the guides together so that people can see how you move from point A to B to C etc.


Things that I might consider making short, focused guides on are the side / endgame mechanics like building factories, creating AI ships etc. I'll see how the series progresses first.

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The videos are great but here is my honest opinion:


If u wanna make guides for people then make guides. Not these 45min long gameplay videos which most people wont click on that are looking for guides.


I prefer these game play guides more because less steps are missed and less assumptions of the audiences knowledge are made.  Maybe I'm spoiled having multiple monitors but I just have ZIGGYD playing on one while I still play on the other.  When I sit down to play I'm going to be there for at least a couple hours so I can get in 2-3 videos in that time and I'm left with less questions at the end.  I'd say I'm not alone either, he's got a ton of views and my in-law that purchased the game for me pointed me towards his videos specifically.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The walkthrough videos are greatly appreciated and better fit the format of Avorion. You could make small, succinct tutorials on how to perform specific tasks, but you'd still need a longer video showing how ALL the things you can do in the game come together.

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  • 1 year later...

Hey ZiggyD


First of all, thank you for creating and posting your comprehensive video series.  Even as a veteran Avorion player, I enjoyed hearing about your approach to things.

With particular reference to your 4th in the series Part 4 - TRADING - How to Get Rich Playing Space Trucker, I wanted to offer your audience an expanded approach in addition to, or substituting for early trading efforts.



Criticism for early-game trading efforts:

Very early in the game, players just do not have the cash resources to make any substantial amounts of money from trading.

Early in the game, trading may not be the most profitable use of your time.



Alternate method for early money-making:

Take that early ship which you get for free, convert it into a passive miner.  Then, as soon as you have that ship (LadyBug or whatever its called) making a few bucks from mining, get another ship, and repeat.

As soon as you can, swap ALL of your mining turrets for R-Mining Turrets.

Admittedly, R-Mining early on requires a little more micro-management (emptying of small cargo holds, etc), but once you get an enhanced set up with dedicated miners with cargo holds above well 3000 capacity, there is no limit to Mining.


Plus, as an in-game activity, this will place you extremely well as you get into Naonite, then Trinium, then Xanion.


Let me just mention, that prior to v1.0, I was a huge trading advocate.

Now, I find that R-Mining will easily outpace other early money making methods - and best of all ... Mining can be done passively.  So while you are pursuing other things, you can get rich by letting your fleet do the tedious mining stuff in the background.



Cheers - and thanx again for your video series !!  8)


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