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Dear all,


I'd like to work on improving german wordings. Though there is really much work done and done well, there are many things, that could be written a bit better, like:


"bekommst" instead of "kriegst"

"... springen in den Sektor" instead of "... tauchen auf"


What do others think?


I really love this game and support it by buying licenses and sendig them as a gift to friends.

Additionally I'd like to support it by improving the german wording to make it look better.


I am experienced with that and offer my help... if you want it.  ;)

... in early facebook days, Ii helped to translate facebook and  now my translations are seen 400 -  500 million times per month as facebook reports to me.





  • Boxelware Team

We probably won't open up the German translation to the public but I'm always happy to get tips so that we can improve it :)

  • 3 weeks later...

hehe,  a bit difficult, seeing some text for a second or two in game,  keep it in mind and write it down and then find some better words...


an extract of the german lines in a text file could help, but, well... no public translation


After a hundred times reading this line, I have to post it:


"Wenn du mit zusammen mit deinen Freunden spielst, kannst du eine Allianz gründen um als Fraktion zusammenzuarbeiten."


Little Bug:


Instead of showing the translated line it shows the english one:


"\\'+stats\\' in Tooltips zeigen, wie viel besser der Geschützturm im Vergleich zu anderen, durchschnittlichen Geschützen des gleichen Tech-Levels ist. Sie (+x Effizienz/DPS/Reichweite) sind bereits in den obigen Zahlen enthalten!"

  • 4 weeks later...

an extract of the german lines in a text file could help, but, well... no public translation


You can find the translation file in the steam install folder: steamapps/common/Avorion/data/localization/deutsch.po

If you like you can send an improved file back to us, we'd appreciate it  :)

  • 2 years later...

Found mistakes in the german translation. Should I make a new Post for this or am I right here?

Anyway, here's the corrected deutsch.po

Comment below header points to the corrected lines.



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