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Multiplayer bug, ships destroyed when warping to new systems


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I tried multiplayer for the first time today. We jumped around and gathered about 2500 titanium. I built a ship, killed some pirates, got some money. Things were just starting to get interesting.


Then my ship couldn't turn, about 30 seconds of frustratingly pressing buttons trying to find out why it wouldn't turn, I got disconnected. So did my friend. I was hosting a dedicated server, on my own computer. It was working fine until that point.


Then I logged back in, in my drone. I still had my credits, but I lost my ship. Lost all turrets except a single gatling turret. My friend still had his ship, but all his crew were gone.


We thought maybe it was a fluke and kept playing. About 20 minutes later we were jumping to a new system. He reads off the "your ship was destroyed" message and that you spawned back at the base. Didn't get attacked or anything like that. So now we BOTH lost our ships, and BOTH teleported back to the beginning.


Is this a known issue? Is there any way to prevent it? We both encountered a seriously game-breaking bug within 30 minutes of playing multiplayer, so I imagined this would be all over the bugs forum.

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Maybe related or not, but now I'm getting an error "Unable to check VAC ban status". Even when playing single player. I'm not  vac banned or anything. Just reinstalled on a different harddrive, going to see if it works out.


Edit: No, reinstalling the game and rebooting computer did nothing. This game really isn't playable in multiplayer I guess.




Edit: Day 3 of playing  Avorion. Had it working last night. It's giving me the VAC ban error again.


Edit: Right after my last edit I launched the dedicated server using server.bat in the install directory.  I added the flag: --use-steam-networking 0. This seemed to work, for now, though I'm not sure if that made any difference or if the issue just went away temporarily again.

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Could you post logs from a server this issues was happening on?


I should have done that in the first place. I just checked but I don't have it anymore. Probably because I reinstalled the game and the bug that happened on is gone. I'll post it if it happens again. I reinstalled and did a bunch of things to fix the VAC error I mentioned before. None made it go away, but I found out the error is just random and works sometimes.


I'll post a log next time it happens. Which hopefully it doesn't.


Might be related in some way with this issue:



Sounds like you and your freind warped into a sector with pirates/aliens and got destroyed while loading.


I don't think that's the case. For me, I didn't even warp. I was in a friendly system at the time. But mine seemed to be related to the server crashing.


My friend could have died instantly to pirates. But the game loads so quickly, I just don't believe that's the case.


@second post - have you checked your steam connection and steam servers status?


Yeah I did a bunch of troubleshooting. I was trying to get multiplayer to work again, and my friend was having no issues. Empyrion Galactic Survival was working fine. Note that I had trouble connecting in singleplayer, too. Whether or not there was a server down, it shouldn't affect singleplayer.

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