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Having network issues since saturday patch


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So basically I had played for six hours the night before the patch with no issues whatsoever, then started playing another six or so hours before the patch which were also fine. The strange part is that afterwards whenever I try to connect to my friends server, not only does it take ages if ever to actually connect, but my packet loss on the teamspeak we're using slams to from between 50 to 100%.


This happens whenever I connect to either of my two friends, who both live in the same town and have the same ISP. The really weird part is that when connecting to dedicated multiplayer servers, the packet loss is gone and I can connect fine, but for some reason it also gets extremely laggy when large faction invasions take place.


I'm really pretty confused and can only assume that something with the patch itself is a bit borked or was changed in a way that puts a lot more strain on my relatively poor internet connection. I also don't really know what information to provide in order to help solve this problem, or if I just need to wait until another patch makes the game playable again. In its current state I cant really do anything besides singleplayer.

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Are you certain that nothing was changed that would cause the huge packet loss on connection suddenly? I ask because I played roughly 12 hours before with pretty quick load times and no issues, then suddenly the patch hit saturday and I cant play for 15 minutes without getting kicked out of even teamspeak from it.


I'm mostly just confused as no matter what I'd think that me connecting to someone on a game would cause something like that to happen. Also is steam networking enabled by default?

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  • Boxelware Team

We didn't change anything in the netcode that would cause such huge packet loss, as far as I know. Steam networking is the default when hosting games. You can easily check if it's enabled when you try joining via the steam friend list.


Can you post logfiles from clients and servers when this happens?

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Host friend here:


We've tried running my hosting with Steam authentication both enabled and disabled with the same issue rearing it's ugly head regardless. The network I'm hosting from has some fairly heavy security to it but I can't imagine why that would cause any issues for one specific user, especially given that more than 3 other players have connected without the same problem. I'm not familiar enough with networking to actually give details as to what security measures are in place however.  :-\

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We had 3 people playing on a private server who also started experiencing high TS packet loss and stuttering of voice communication when using the latest patch. This had not been an issue prior (as far as we recall.)


Any optimization that can be done on that layer would sure be appreciated for those of us hosting on crappy cable internet. :)

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  • Boxelware Team

This might be related to your continued progress in the game, not the patch, because I know I didn't change anything in the netcode. I've seen issues arising when in areas with lots of faction wars. That could be the issue. I've toned down faction wars and resolved an issue that would make them have constant total war. This might help.

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To update: we've since tried on a brand new fresh save: the packet-loss issue actually stopped but he's still getting immensely long load times- so much so that we're not certain he'd ever actually make it into the game.


So, slight improvement but still not exactly working :/

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  • Boxelware Team

Make sure steam networking is actually working. The issues should get better when using the current beta patch for the server, it has less faction battles spawning (which was actually a bug) and is fully compatible with the current client.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Late response is late:


We tried the beta patch, but were still getting lag issues- It's improved greatly since the first post was made but it's apparently still pretty unplayable


Honestly given the amount by which the OP usually lags in other games- it's probably safe to say that at this point it's now just his connection being unable to handle the way the game handles large numbers of loaded systems and save files.  Amishland internet tends to not be the best.


Thanks for the help though~

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