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Everything posted by Adonis

  1. you can delete any core blocks and base the whole design off an engine or random hull block if you want, just turn off safe mode and make sure you do the tiny details later.
  2. it might be if the ship was large enough. I know that on multi-player if you go through wormholes (at least while another player is on the opposite side)and get delayed loading screens because of latency, but your ship disappears it will continue on flying with the speed you entered the wormhole on the other side, until your client loads into the system at which point you'll have no velocity and be at the normal spawn from a wormhole. Similar death to the convo screen drift, uncontrollable collisions.
  3. yeah i just rammed my massive cargo freighter i was hauling 30million creds of warheads in into the police cruiser that stopped me, because of the dialog drift... long story shortened. police cruiser was plastered like a bug on my windshield and i was warp jammed into the system
  4. yeah it's a known issue that has a high priority to be fixed
  5. lol and with what crew are you going to be flying a ship you build anywhere??? costs more to repair in space as patchwork repairs would cost, oh and thirdly they are just broke making excuses.
  6. I've not had the experience of building with Avorion yet, but I wanted to ask: With access to Avorion, which systems would you make out of Trinium and which of Avorion? Would you make your armor of Ogonite? Would you use Trinium for integrity field generators and such (where material doesn't seem to make much difference), while using Avorion for power generation? Trinium makes the best hangers, crew quarters, cargo bays, engines, and thrusters. Oganite has the best armor hp per volume, but can be replaced with trinium if you don't care for density and just want weight as it's about half the armor at half the weight. Avorion makes the best power systems hands down, so for example you use less space on shield generators for the same space spent on them at a lighter weight than you can get with xanion. This applies for power blocks like hyperspace cores, power generators, batteries, processors. Edit: regarding integrity generators, i'm still unsure on the coverage mechanic, but i'll test it with different blocks to see if the progression is there like other powered blocks Edit2: Seems Integrity generators are based on the volume of the block used so it doesn't matter what material it's made from regarding sze of the field created. Just cost/weight should be taken into consideration.
  7. That's a fair point, they are so easy to kill anyway it's hard to tell without a health display for active fighter squadrons
  8. I Agree, I don't want to be making 100's of millions instantly however demand is demand. Competition keeping supplies up and more active competition with the ai would reduce yields. That being said, upkeeps on crews for larger vessels are expensive and I really don't find myself having that 150million+ credit for very long.
  9. also the range of history is whatever systems you have traveled between, so increased jump range can be beneficial when trading if you are lazy like me and don't make notes of system goods as you jump around
  10. It's not simple to source all the parts and also the very center has stuff that makes those legendary guns look like jokes. Now if you are willing to sit in a system for hours and transport goods between facilities and gather tons of parts for it why not have them be powerful?
  11. Trinium makes the best non scaling components because of its' mass like hangers, crew quarters, cargo holds, engines, and thrusters already, and then for electronics you want avorion>xanion>naonite. Armor is just a decision based on volume for hp oganite gives high hp/volume at the expense of mass so a same sized block of oganite is about twice hp of trinium at double the weight so it's a decision on whether you want hp or maneuver ability. Personally I prefer better shield ship designs because you can scale the hp with subsystems and use trinium based hulls with oganite covering key parts internally to stop railgun fire, Making them faster. Considering that cap ships require thousands of crew you can get multiple ticks over a million credits so being able to move fast and stop near stations to drop loot is much preferred to brick status.
  12. Scientific notation, for me, isn't the problem and is as easy as it gets in English lest I have to match 50 zeroes. I'd just like there to be a stat because only the mass being listed doesn't really give anyone a good understanding of how many more blocks you need.
  13. Anyone else have their fighters drop down to 0-2 durability if they launch them and return them to the bay, or am I doing something wrong like an idiot? If Idiot is still maintained and I'm just a casualty of a bug I guess I'll search through the bug reports to see if it's posted.
  14. 15x6 +2 = 92 + 1 of whatever you aren't filling in, maybe ??? edited for correct legendary turret amount
  15. This^ Just a block list would be revolutionary
  16. There really isn't a huge performance benefit for getting ogonite and avarion as it is currently implemented, the only reason to progress is for the better tier loot drops and more efficient support systems from larger ships. Trinium makes the most efficient Engines and Thrusters, Armor to weight ratio between trinium and ogonite is similar so if you need to shrink ship size and want more armor Ogonite is better, but performance wise for space filling you'd want Trinium hull, crew quarter, hangers and cargobays. Avorion makes the best generators, shields, batteries, hyperspace cores, and basically anything non hull, engine, or armor related. So it's basically a matter of what you want to focus on since there are significant performance problems if you increase mass ratios on larger ships by using avorion, ogonite, or xanion bays and hull. This is current state of "progression" to me: Currrently it pays to base out of trinium space sorta in the middle and make excursions into rarer space for resources and to make turrets as you will use significant amounts of trinium on engines, thrusters, cargo and crew quarters, and hull plating. The edge of space "iron/titanium" also provides subsystem drops that are just as useful as in the middle, it's actually the best place to gather massive amounts of them if you want to rapidly farm them for research chances and upgrading them to legendaries. The interior ring "avorion space" is fun for fights and the like if you want a bit more of a combat challenge
  17. Personally I think having system nodes running in the background should be of the utmost priority since it makes player stations and station processes like trading relatively pointless unless you just go afk for hours in a system and limits your ability to explore the rest of the galaxy. Unless there is a ramp up on the scale of raids or respawn of asteroids in a system. Because otherwise the only viable active gameplay is to act like a nomad and take advantage of short term trade routes and resource depots as you pillage everything in your wake. Theoretical example to solve some of the basic issues I've seen, to allow players to control or fight over territory, would be a galaxy wide tick cycle for stations to update resources creating a mock economic simulation adding and detracting resources to station pools as they would for each in an active system node, but as a background process. (including resource depot recovery) Not sure how heavy that would be on the system you have designed though, so maybe the better alternative is a variable to track ticks away from a system and update each system as a player is loading onto the grid.
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