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Everything posted by Splutty

  1. I've tried finding a place to change these, but not having a lot of luck so far. What am I missing? The chat font is really hard to read for my old eyes on my high resolution monitor :(
  2. There are already plans for putting in 'ship weapons' that you will basically have to build your ship around :) Mass Drivers obviously being one of the more logical ones.
  3. With 1 million sectors in total, I don't see any reason why asteroids would respawn, even if only 1% of those sector even contain asteroids. 8)
  4. If you want to 'cheat', you can always just teleport yourself to the sector the ship you want to pick up is actually in.
  5. Take a triangle block, place it against the side of your ship, flip it 180 over the z axis, and place it on top of the first triangle block :) /| |/ Kinda like that.
  6. I love how ships progress. Mine went from ugly to extremely ugly to even uglier before I decided to completely scrap it and start all over again. ;D
  7. You made me laugh out loud at 6 in the morning. You nasty person you ::)
  8. Here's a picture of my Steel Factory :) http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=883264137
  9. There's a dropdown in the build menu where you can select snap points, and one of these is 'middle of block' Disable Safe Mode, CTRL-A, Delete.
  10. I agree with pretty much everything in this thread :) That's a good thing! Dumping your crew into space would be bad :) Mouseover the item in your cargo space and it will tell you exactly if it's dangerous or illegal. This however isn't any use when you want to decide whether to buy something or not. Their docking is fine, you're just in the way :P But yes, that's the reason I always check if there's a cargo hauler near, or try to dock to the side of a dock instead of at it. As for the Xsotan resets, I'm assuming you play on single player with a non dedicated server? Because that sounds like a server reset issue, not the client. The normal single player will stop and start the 'single player server' every time you quit and start the game, so that'd be the kind of behaviour I expect. Non-static settings (such as Xsotan aggression) don't get saved, it seems. Not sure if that's really needed either.
  11. You can put hanger blocks anywhere in any orientation, they'll add to your total fighter volume. Then put 2x2 hangar blocks on the outside of your ship with the opening facing out. This will enable fighters to launch and land. Keep in mind the wonky fact is that every hangar opening can only process one fighter at a time. So your want lots of little ones. The most likely reason you couldn't buy another fighter was because you didn't have a pilot, not because you ran out of space. For some reason that error gets suppressed and I'm not sure when. I have seen the error, but most of the time I'm not getting any error and it'll just fail to buy anything. Other times I can buy fighters just fine without having pilots. It's odd. Also if you *do* have the pilots, and buy the fighters that don't fit, they'll just be circling around you. The whole setup can be fun, but is mostly just annoying and utterly not worth it. I have one ship in my main system where all my factories and my AI defenders are with salvage fighters and repair fighters, but I don't use them in my normal exploration at all, and never the actual combat fighters. They just die.
  12. It seems to be fairly random to me. I've ended up in one of my factories. Tip for when this happens: Select the ship you want to be in from your fleet window and order it to escort the factory. Then just wait for it to show up :) Of course this means you need a captain on board, but I'm going to assume you put captains on all your ships, just in case.. You do put captains on all your ships just in case, right? ;)
  13. I'm running a server with a bunch of friends on it. That helps. And I'm slowly building up my own solar system with factories and everything, which is fun to do as well :) You can always delete your current galaxy and start a new one in single player that's harder. As for Avorion: Hunt pirates near the center and salvage them all.
  14. Way at the start after your first jump or so, you should've run into an adventurer, that after some babbling can give you a radar upgrade which shows mass in hidden sectors :) And only the orange and up object detectors actually show the whole sector. All the ones below that only have a scan range.
  15. Not sure if you have solved this already, but there's a lot wrong in your scripts :) First of all, why are you using sudo to start the server? There's no need to do that at all. So when you're in /home/steam/avorionserver just run your server.sh. From that directory, can you list the output of: ls -l linux64 ls -l *.so ls -l server.sh ldd bin/AvorionServer If the .so file needs to be copied at all, it should be copied to the bin directory, and you shouldn't have to put that in the script at all, since just once should be enough. Also making a symlink is always a better idea than copying it, since that will make sure the original can be updated and the updated library will be used.
  16. They're not encoded, they're just datadumps. And the fact you want to seriously edit them is one of the reasons why they're not easilly editable I'm sure :D There are plenty of ways to cheat in-game. Once you go messing around in playerfiles you introduce all sorts of nasty ways to crash the game, introduce bugs that have nothing to do with the game (but instead with your editing), etc. So I'd say it's a bad idea. But open it in a hex editor, and you can probably figure out some settings if you really want to change stuff.
  17. It has a 92% approval rate on Steam, which is pretty much as high as you realistically can get with an EA game, so I'm not sure what you're talking about. Also "Throwing a team at it" hardly ever actually fixes a problem. Especially if the programmer is an actual programmer and not a manager. Getting "A team" up to speed on any code often takes a long time, so your problems won't even be fixed for another few months to begin with. And Star Citizen is an extremely bad example :) Chris Roberts pretty much never touched a line of code and had shitloads of money to let others do all the coding. It's Early Access, and it seems a lot of people forget that that also means patience. You're not going to get your problems fixed next week. Just my 2 (devalued) cents.
  18. I've not really tested this, since I don't use generic crewmen, but are you sure auto assign assigns generic crewmen? Ever?
  19. I call this one The Equalizer. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=883050784
  20. Yes, there is a very simple way this can be changed. {snark}Close the ruddy template window, then start deleting stuff.{/snark} If the window ain't open, you can't affect stuff in it. Yep :) I've now tried to make myself use the Inventory key instead of opening the actual window instead. This makes it so at least that window is only active when I'm selecting stuff from it or pasting stuff into it. This has 'solved' my problem, but as you stated, it's not an actual solution to the problem, just a workaround.
  21. Remember a lot of people already had the game way before it was ever released on Steam.
  22. What's even more fun, I have a 10K/sec damage laser (which eats all my energy in a few seconds, but that aside) which does so much damage to blocks that you can cut most ships in half. On these spinning needles, when you target the center of mass which it's spinning around, the effects are rather hilarious when it breaks in two :) But yes, they're annoying :P
  23. You can order ships from anywhere in your system, as long as you can select it. Just like you can 'build' on a ship from anywhere in the system (ideal for factories) And why a ship would just disappear, I have no idea :(
  24. In your avorion install directory, in the data/scripts/lib directory, add the following lines to the productionsindex.lua file: table.insert(productions, {factory="${good} Mine ${size}", ingredients={}, results={{name="Gem", amount=1}}, garbages={}}) table.insert(productions, {factory="${good} Mine ${size}", ingredients={}, results={{name="Diamond", amount=1}}, garbages={}}) And while you're at it, also add: table.insert(productions, {factory="${good} Mine ${size}", ingredients={}, results={{name="Coal", amount=1}}, garbages={}}) This will be overwritten if the game is patched :)
  25. Regain, not regen. There are modules that restore 25% of your shield on shield depletion on a 5 minute cooldown. Agreed with your other points.
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