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Everything posted by MrFlufficans

  1. Well there are a few simple options 1. Lower the amount of players 2. Never go back to that sector 3. Maybe ask the other players to leave while you kill the ships in that system to reduce its usage? I think 2 and 3 are good options in my opinion Right now to my limited knowledge, I feel that Avorion's multiplayer side is very under developed in the terms of information transfer, I say "I feel" because I have no knowledge of how to make a game or code to any extent, but from my own testing and piss farting around it seems its just slow and inefficient, Whether this will change when the alliance patch drops Who knows!? We can only hope :) Fly Safe Commander o7
  2. If the menu in question is mod related you might want to try and replicate the crash while removing mod after mod to see if its one of them Also an actual log file might be helpful to the nice people on this forum who can actually make sense of it
  3. There is a option in the "game settings" to turn the "Space to continue" off, I highly Suggest doing so. assuming you are also the server host you can turn off collision Im not really a fan of it myself so its mainly an opinion which might solve those instant kills as I'm guessing they were from asteroids. Also Avorion seems to be very heavy on your connection in the terms of multiplayer. I'm pretty sure every time you jump your Network usage is going to Ping more than an old man with viagra There is a screenshot below to show the box :P http://ss.covers1624.net/jm47suo.png Fly Safe Commander o7
  4. I highly suggest in case you are running the server by using the in game menu, just dont Instead look up how to make a dedicated server, yes yes I hear you "But I don't want to run a full fledged server" If you are wondering about how it will affect performance, I'm like 90% you will be fine and If you are running mods you just install them the same way you would with your own client. The process of making one couldn't be easier, It provides you with everything. I'm not sure if I am allowed to post links here, but I'm going to slap one here for the guide I used to make a server nice and simple http://avorion.gamepedia.com/Setting_up_a_server Fly Safe Commander o7
  5. I want to put here some things, I'm not meaning to necro this topic, I merely found a solution For most people I will seem like a person with a mental illness and you would be correct, I solved my issue with the server hanging by installing a server use steamcmd, Yes bear with me, How I had "run" the server before was quite literally just copy pasting the game files and running the "server.bat" I how ever decided blindly to try and install it the normal and actual way, Who would have guessed?! It worked for hours on end no hang. TL:DR Im retarded, follow wiki instructions on running a server This topic can be left to die now, ciao
  6. I'm not entirely sure whether the presence of mods has much to do with it, as I have had the server hang when playing vanilla as well, this seems to only be a problem for windows, or even for just me. My friend had the server on his Linux server box and it did not hang at all. The reason we didn't keep it there is because of the memory hog that Avorion is. It was running for a month with no fault, as far as I know its either a problem with the Windows server or my computer and I'm pretty sure its not my PC, but who knows. and back to the mods part, yes it hangs more frequently when i have mods installed, but the hang itself I believe is a game issue (pls no ban devs) but hopefully it will be solved with the alliance update *hype* Either way thanks for the help fellas greatly appreciated. :)
  7. Okay so I have this problem with ship permissions. Myself and 2 others appear twice on the list and I dont have any clue as to why, I have checked the "player_(number).dat" files and there is of course the 5 players http://ss.covers1624.net/gto4uc1.png Also this issue still persisted before I installed the permissions mod that you can see. All the people that have a second name in the permissions list is "Fluffy","covers1624","brandon3055" Of course we cant do anything e.g build on each others ships because of this We have tried adding each one but it makes no difference
  8. Why do I have the Feeling that it could be oosp thats causing it, well either way thanks for the response I shall try to look into it some more, althought thats kind of hard when I have no experience with how the modding works for Avorion Either way Thanks A Million
  9. Alrighty Bois I have some problems with my server for Avorion, It seems to hang at regular intervals This seems to happen almost randomly regardless of whats happening on the server itself. 1 minute your trading the next minute all the ships in that sector become ballerinas, The Problem itself seems to persist with or without any mods big or small. I would like to know if anyone else has this issue https://puu.sh/v6Yub/5acdea3ea8.png Of course I understand that the mods might be the issue but I would like to know if anyone else has experienced something similar, Thanks p.s Anyone else eagerly awaiting the Alliance update ;)
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