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  1. I would also like to be able to build ships only at a shipyard. (Unless its on sandbox mode. Maybe it can be added as a setting when creating a game)
  2. Really cool ship. Love it! Thanks for sharing.
  3. You can do the same with the thrusters (like solar panels) stack 10 of size 1x1x0.1 (or even 1x1x0.05) and they are insanely powerfull! Not sure if it is intended or not :D
  4. Hmmm nah. Having prograde and retrograde indicators would absolutely suffice. Those would really help a lot. This. I totally agree! Nothing else needed. P.S I think having higher HP and armor around the exterior of the ship helps with collisions. Bumped quite a lot with a new ship that i made and didn't explode yet...Need to do more testing tho, since it was late and I barely tested it a couple of minutes... Edit: Also , managed to get breaking thrust quite high with enough thrusters! :)
  5. Hi, Just wanted to share my first ship( excluding the crappy ones which i did in 2 minutes by spamming blocks everywhere) . Just gotta say i like this game a lot!! P.S Res/Quality is bad since I'm at work now, just thinking about the game and ship haha, can't wait to get home to play more:D
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