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Well, I was a casual EvE Online player, but have been looking for that space game where I can control one ship directly, but control an empire as well if I choose.  I've been looking for that game where I can either mine, fight or whatever tickles my fancy, but I can login for an hour and feel I accomplish something.  It feels that it could almost be an mmo on a small scale.  Avorion seems to fit that bill.  I'm still learning, but I want to become more active in the community.  I hope this game succeeds, the developers made an amazing product.


Fly safe!

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Hi, im DeDiKill, I found this game two days a go, I was checking Steam personal recommended games list, and Avorion appeared there. This is the game I was waiting for years and now im in love with it.

I've never made a forum's account before, but this game is so good I cant stay here sitting without seeing others ideas, creations and suggestions. I just want to be part of this. :)

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Greetings everyone,


my Name is Mentor im Kommunikator of the Old Zocker Community in Germany and we like to help the developers.


Our Community with 500+ Members is very interestet in this game an i like to host a big server but at first i have to speak to the developers.


So is there a way that they contact me pls.



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Hello fellow pilots !


I mainly wanted to thank Koonschi and his team for their work. Put about 26 hours in the game so far ; and really enjoyed it. I't not perfect ; but mindblowing. The music and ambiance participate to the immersion in the game.


Keep the hard work going ; the community will just get stronger.


Thank you for those hours ! Can't wait to play multiplayer with some of you guys !

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Hello everyone!


Long term Space Engineers player here. I bought Avorion a couple of days after release after checking out a few youtube videos and I am loving it!


I'm going to need some practice with build mode but I'm looking forward to workshop support!

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Hi everyone!  Lathrix brought me here.  Well technically I guess From the Depths brought me here, since From the Depths brought me to Lathrix.


I'm super-excited about this game.  I've tried out Starmade but it's just not enough of what I'm looking for.  But when I saw the build mode of this game and that you could RESIZE AND RESCALE BLOCKS, I just about passed out from disbelief.  I knew I had to have it.  Oh ladies and gentlemen, the ships we will build.

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Hallo zusammen,


ich war lange nicht teil einer Comunity. Ich übertreib es immer gleich und verbring Stunden des Tags im Forum ^^ Ich bin durch das Video von Scott Manly überhaupt erst auf Avorion gestoßen und bin froh darüber. Spiele wie Avorion sind genau mein Ding. Habe Freelancer sehr lange gespielt und auch viel Mühe in X2 investiert. Allerdings hat mich die grausige Steuerung der X Reihe immer abgeschreckt so dass die nachfolgenden Teil nie gezündet haben. Habe auch zwei oder drei Jahre EVE gespielt, war aber mit einer Entscheidung meiner Corp nicht grade glücklich und fand danach keinen Anschluss mehr :(


Early Access hat mich nie abgeschreckt, tatsächlich spiele ich mehr Early Access als sonst was. Avorion wird allerdings das erste Spiel an dem ich aktiv mitwirken werde, soweit mir das denn möglich ist.


Sorry übrigens dass ich meine Posts auf deutsch verfasse. Ich kann English zwar gut verstehen aber kaum sprechen. Mich direkt in englisch auszudrücken grenzt an Arbeit und ich laufe immer Gefahr mich missverständlich oder falsch auszudrücken. Als Kompromiss jag ich meine Text durch den Google Übersetzer, so dass ich den Rest der Welt nicht ausschließe.


Google translator:


Hello everybody,


I was not part of a comunity for a long time. I always exaggerate it and spend hours of the day in the forum ^ ^ I am through the video of Scott Manly at all pushed on Avorion and am glad about it. Games like Avorion are exactly my thing. Have Freelancer very long played and also a lot of effort in X2 invested. However, the gruesome control of the X series has always deterred me so that the following part never ignited. I also played two or three years EVE, but with a decision of my Corp was not happy and found no connection afterwards


Early access has never deterred me, actually I play more early access than anything else. Avorion is, however, the first game I will actively participate, as far as I can.


Sorry for the fact that I write my posts in German. I can understand English but I can hardly speak. To express myself directly in English borders on work and I always run the risk of misunderstanding or misrepresenting. As a compromise, I hunt my text through the Google translator, so I do not rule out the rest of the world.

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I'm somewhat new as well, although I took a thorough peek into the game during the last week.


It's really nice made, the early version already offers enough stuff to joyfully play around with.

It' the most promising amalgamization of basically all the good worlds we know of.


Pretty interesting how many people I found here from the FTD community, not many, but some ;P



The only really important thing I wanted to add, my most intense impression from the game so far:


pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew





And I enjoy A LOT of music going into the general direction of odd death metal. Mostly Meshuggah^^

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Heyooo this is Astroniite and it's actually my first forum post here but this seems like the one stop shop for the Avorion community. I loveeee this game so much. In fact, I love it so much I actually decided to start my first Let's Play channel with Avorion haha. If you wanna check out my misadventures you can subscribe with this link:


It'd help out soooo so much because I just started my channel. Thanks!

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Howdy Y'all,


New to the game, was referred by a steam friend that i stomped in Rocket League. I have been playing on his server and its fun. I am really hoping a soon update allows my mining crafts to do their thing while i'm out of the sector. Either way I think i would be interested in joining multiple servers or at least another server with more people. Hope to see some of you out there soon.


See you space cowboy...

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Hey Fellow Spacers


New Here, Saw the game on Steam green light.

Knew it was going to be a gem.

Myself and my two buddies pick this up. Have a home server running a persistent galaxy.


Loving this game.

Can't wait to see this grow and grow.




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(woo first post)




It's getting very close to the dream game i always wished for; that is the creative block building similar to Space Engineers + the RTS and management aspects of X3:TC + a hint of EVE Online MMORPG elements. The only thing missing to be perfect for me is single server, persistent universe and player-controlled economy, though that seems somewhat reproducible to a smaller extent via dedicated server hosting and having a big enough player community (i think?, still very new).


I was very pleased to discover the game and wished i had known about it sooner! I first saw Scott Manley's vid, then i needed more... Pretty sure i watched nearly EVERY video of this game on youtube to date  ;D I always wait for a discount to buy a game, I'm very patient, but not this time... No not this time. Once i went through all videos I could find, I had to buy, no choice! I was convinced after the first vid already :)


That being said, i will remain skeptical. The concept is sound but i hope the execution is going to be too, all the way till gold release. So far so good! I really really really like what they've done so far :) Kudos the devs and keep up the great work!

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Hellow fellow space-faring Folks!


I'm new here, so i guess i introduce myself first:

I'm Fox, 32, from Germany and playing Avorion for about 3 weeks now after a friend showed me a video and i tested the demo. So instead of writing much i gotta return to my ship and go get some more Trinium...

Just let me say i already had alot of fun with this game, i dont see it ending anytime soon (i loved Lego as a child) and im eagerly awaiting any progress this great project. So much aspects of my favourite games like X3 or Space Engineers, packed together into a multiplayer-able sandbox? A fking DREAM come true!! Oh, wait, the Trinium...

Feel free to send me any questions via PM if something comes up, otherwise see ya'll in space...


Fly safe!



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Found Avorion and like a few other games it has reignited the flames of early access. Firstly, let me thank anyone who came up with this game. There is no other space sandbox that does EVERYTHING Avorion does. Crew, Pirates, Aliens, the space itself it all feels alive and like what you do has a "semi" substantial meaning.


Meh names Andrew, pleasure to meet you. I build battleships for fun and it seems the fleet is poised to enter the galaxy of Avorion.

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According to the title, I'm supposed to introduce myself. Well, in that case, err... Hi.


I'm no stranger to open world sandbox games, and have a handful of hours invested into Space Engineers among other stuff, though it didn't quite click because of the complexity of it. Then I came across this, which pretty much hits the spot, less on the engineering, more PEWPEW, which is A MOFKN' DREAM nice. Can't wait to see where this goes in the future.


Anyway, shortening my lifespan by getting frustrated at Adobe software has made the ship editor easier to digest, so I'll be probably be posting some stuff on the Creations section if I stop being lazy.

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