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How to salvage wrecks?


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If you're salvaging mainly for materials and have plenty of wreckages to pick from, go for the fragile electronic blocks first.


Generators, batteries and such. You can easily identify them by their distinct texture. Those break really fast and drop plenty of resources.

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If you are really into salvaging, I just came across a cool sector type with wrecks EVERYWHERE, but you have to buy a "salvage license" from the nearby station.  It was time based.  5 min license was 1,053 credits.  up to an hour license.  So you have those to look forward to out there. :)


Loving the game concept so far.

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So About salvaging, haven't seen it answered before.

Does it matter what kind of turret you are using t salvage? Can I salvage titanium with iron turrets?

I am asking this because I have tried it and it works and it doesnt, my turret shoots somewhere random in the sky, then gets on the wreck. After a few seconds it sxplodes, doesnt show damage, gives like 10 titanium, then again doesnt work.

Also, sometime when i select the wreck it doesnt show me the amount of resources it has, is it a visual bug? or the wreck doesnt have resources?


Any advices or answers? thanks


L.E. I found out that forcing closing your game will make your salvaging turrets working again. Only thing, your ships will dissapeear ad you have to retrace your steps to it.

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When you select a wreckage to see what's on it, you will see that by your Scanner module (the better, the farther you see). You may also use Iron salvaging turrets, for salvaging Titanium, yes, but each turret has a different efficiency (just because you see a wreck has 5,000 titanium, doesn't mean you can extract it all). Also, it helps not to be in the wreckage's face. Give a little space and try again :)

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I know about the efficiency. I seelected it, it shows the resources no problem. Tried from different angles, tried to destroy the engines first. The thing is, it doesnt do any damage to the ship and I do not understand why. I can't salvage any wrecks even though I found a big scrapyard. I left my turrets on auto fire for the past 10 minutes, nothing.


ANyone hase some more experience with the salvaging part? Thanks

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I salvaged one time. I had to buy salvage turrets and a salvage licence of the scrapyard (5 minutes about 10.000 credits).


The efficency should work about the same way as for the mining turrets. So what you see is not what you will get out of the wreackage (efficency 15.0 = 15% of what is shown is in the wreck)

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These salvage fields when you need to pay for the license arn't worth the money.


Just salvage the pirates/Xsolan they enter the sector, if you don't wan't/can't fight them, let the the sectur guard take care of them.


Normaly when you just salvage them, the next wave will spawn. Neverending work.

If you are just behind modules, shoot the wrecks together with the salvage laser.


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If you find you can't seem to damage a bit of wreckage, bumping it with your ship seems to wake up the game to realizing that thing needs to take damage, then you can salvage away. I've seen this happen on occasion.  As for turret material, that appears to only determine what sot of hull you can mount it on. Tech level is what determines how powerful it can be. Except mining lasers, it matters for those, as they can only mine up to one tier higher than the turret material.

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You may also use Iron salvaging turrets, for salvaging Titanium, yes, but each turret has a different efficiency...


Q: While we can use Iron salvaging turrets to salvage Titanium, is there an efficiency penalty for doing so? Wouldn't we get more Titanium by using a Titanium salvaging turret with the same (stated) efficiency?


...Except mining lasers, it matters for those, as they can only mine up to one tier higher than the turret material.


What about salvaging turrets? Aren't they restricted by turret material and what they can salvage in the same way that mining lasers are restricted by turret material?

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1. Salvage turrets can only salvage one tier above its material, same as mining turrets.

2. Salvaging above the turret material tier gives an efficiency and speed penalty, salvaging below the turret material gives a bonus, same as mining turrets.

3. Salvaging turrets and modules is random and can also be done with normal weapons, does not depend on anything.

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A cool trick to keep in mind while salvaging is that the game only accounts for the last turret hit to determine what to drop.  So you can use armed turrets to wear down high HP blocks then turn those off and last hit the block with high efficiency salvage laser and get the full benefit.  In general I don't have dedicated salvage builds I just mix high efficiency salvage lasers into my combat builds.  Helps when those pesky pirates or Xoatan show up.

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Somewhat related, I've noticed salvage turrets are the highest raw dps turrets in game, just really short ranged and appear to do nothing to shields. Against unshielded ships, those'll just melt against a good salvage turret array. Game doesn't care if the ship is wreckage yet or not. Combat salvaging is entirely viable long as you can weather the incoming fire to get close enough and drop any shields the target ship may have.

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I have about 4 hours in the game now and have only made it through a couple sectors after losing 2 ships. I have collected and sold all sorts of enhancements from various wreckages, but have no clue how to actually get the metals from the wreckages. I've tried shooting them, and using a mining laser (both iron and titanium) and have only got 1-10 out of 2200 iron/titanium in a ship.


Am I doing by something wrong?



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These salvage fields when you need to pay for the license arn't worth the money.


Wow, this is so untrue. If you do it right you can easily get 3-400k of ore in an hour in those systems. There is no way in hell you can get that much fghting random invaders... Also most of these will have lower tier materials...


Salvage yards are gold mines....

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1. Nearly all of these wrecks are "faction" ships and i notice these ship got a higher durability then pirate/xsolan ships.  Thats why i like to salvage pirate/xsolan primary.


2. If you look for hidden mass system, you will find alot sectors with nearly same amout of wrecks you don't need to pay for.


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  • 4 months later...

If you are really into salvaging, I just came across a cool sector type with wrecks EVERYWHERE, but you have to buy a "salvage license" from the nearby station.  It was time based.  5 min license was 1,053 credits.  up to an hour license.  So you have those to look forward to out there. :)


Loving the game concept so far.


Sorry to resurrect an old post but I came across this sector too.  I purchased a license and started to work on the wrecks but each time I did I lost credibility (friendly) with the church faction that I've been trading with.  Any ideas why?


Also, when I salvage a wreck I get upgrades, but I know when I look that I'm missing some.

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